[comp.lang.scheme] Reminder: FPCA deadline for submissions

rjmh@cs.glasgow.ac.uk (Prof. John Hughes) (02/15/91)

This is a reminder that the deadline for submissions to the ACM conference
on Functional Programming and Computer Architecture '91 is March 1st.
A copy of the call for papers follows:
                   CALL FOR PAPERS
	  Conference on Functional Programming Languages and
			Computer Architecture
	      Cambridge, Massachusetts, August 28-30, 1991

      *Sponsored by ACM SIGPLAN/SIGARCH, and Harvard University

The fifth in a series of conferences on Functional Programming
Languages and Computer Architectures will cover the theory, design,
implementation, and application of functional or applicative
programming languages. Topics include (but are not limited to):
language design, type theory, formal semantics; program transformation,
calculational program development, programming methods; compile-time
analysis, compilation techniques and optimisation; partial evaluation,
tools, applications; generalisations of the functional programming
paradigm; parallelism, non-determinism, and research on new computer
architectures designed to support functional programming.  Papers
accepted for the conference must contain material not presented
previously in any formal forum.

Authors should submit five copies of a {\it full\/} paper, and
fourteen additional copies of a 300-word abstract to the Chairman of
the Program Committee (if copying facilities are not available one copy
will do).  Submissions should be double spaced or typeset 10-point on
16-point spacing.  Names and affiliations of authors should appear on
both paper and abstract.  Papers will be judged on relevance, clarity,
correctness, originality and significance.

Submissions must be received by March 1st, 1991, and should include a
return postal address and an electronic address wherever possible.
Authors will be notified of acceptance or rejection by May 3rd, 1991.
Full versions of the accepted papers must be received in camera-ready
form by June 3rd, 1991, for inclusion in the proceedings.  Authors of
accepted papers will be expected to sign an ACM copyright release
form.  Proceedings will be published by ACM Press and will be distributed
at the symposium.

Program Committee Chair       Program Committee

John Hughes		      Arvind, MIT, USA
Attn: FPCA '91		      Lennart Augustsson, Chalmers University, Sweden
Dept of Computing Science     Geoffrey Burn, Imperial College London, GB
University of Glasgow         Warren Burton, Simon Fraser University, Canada
Glasgow G12 8QQ		      Luca Cardelli, DEC SRC, USA
Scotland		      Paul Hudak, Yale University, USA
			      Neil Jones, Copenhagen University, Denmark
			      Michel Mauny, INRIA, France
			      Lambert Meertens, CWI & Utrecht Univ., The Netherlands
			      Robin Milner, Edinburgh University, GB
			      Mike Reeve, ECRC, West Germany
+44 41 330 4454		      Colin Runciman, York University, GB
rjmh@cs.glasgow.ac.uk	      Mitch Wand, Northeastern University, USA

Local Arrangements Chair            Conference Chair

Robert Muller		      John Williams
Aiken Computation Lab.        IBM Almaden Research Center K53-803
Harvard University	      650 Harry Road
Cambridge, MA 02138	      San Jose, CA 95120

(617) 495-8427                (408) 927-1888
muller@harvard.edu	      williams@ibm.com

*International Federation for Information Processing:
		Working Group 2.8 on Functional Programming.
*Association for Computing Machinery:
		Special Interest Group on Programming Languages,
		Special Interest Group on Computer Architecture.
Sponsorships pending approval.