(Clyde Camp) (02/20/91)
For those of you interested in PC Scheme from Texas Instruments, a set of very useful utilities and detailed documentation is available at no charge from: Clyde R. Camp Texas Instruments, Inc. P.O.Box 655474, MS 238 Dallas, TX 75266 *==========================*** N O T E ***==============================* Send two blank, FORMATTED 370K 5-1/4 disks or one 720K 3-1/2 minidisk and a SELF-ADDRESSED, STAMPED envelope. My distribution system is a TIPC so if you don't PRE-FORMAT them, you may not be able to read what I send you. And I don't pay postage (except for non-US mailings.) *=======================================================================* Although written primarily for the TIPC, everything except the graphics works on IBMs and IBM clones. The directories are: UTILITY - Various text windowing, file printing and keyboard handlers which simplify writing application programs: - A new top-level read-eval-print loop which uses an emacs/unix-like line-editor with the capability to scroll through and edit previous entries - Pop-up error window - Source File pretty-printer - Higher level window manipulators - General Purpose application prompts - Push/Pop Top Level Loop functions SWI - A convenient mechanism for invoking 8086 ASSY routines via SWI-INT. HELP - A user-extendable on-line help facility which includes all of the PCS functions and syntax as well as other information on PCS specific quirks. GRAF - A graphics package for creating graphics "windows" somewhat analogous to text windows PLOT - A general purpose function plotter (only for TIPCs) GAME1 - Self explanatory - non-graphics for IBM or TIPC GAME2 - for TIPC graphics ERR_STAT - more utilities for controlling the status window, testing for directories and disabling the gc-message MENUSHEL - three general purpose menu driven command shells handy for application development.