[comp.lang.scheme] fibonacci Numbers

scavo@cie.uoregon.edu (Tom Scavo) (04/14/91)

In article <1991Apr12.051844.15063@milton.u.washington.edu> amigo@milton.u.washington.edu (The Friend) writes:
>     Can someone send me source code for a routine to calculate 
>Fibonacci numbers to _x_ (x being input from user)? Additionally it'd
>be great if this found the PRIME numbers in the set. It could print its
>results as it went through (if that makes it any easier).

; The recursive definition of the Fibonacci sequence yields an O(k^n)
; algorithm, where k is the golden ratio = (/ (+ 1 (sqrt 5)) 2).

(define (fib1 n)
  (if (< n 2)
      (+ (fib1 (- n 1))
         (fib1 (- n 2)))))

; An auxiliary procedure that carries along the previous Fibonacci
; number helps to eliminate redundant calculations and produce O(n)
; behavior.

(define (fib2 n)
  (define (loop i fi fi-1)
    (if (= i n)
        (loop (+ i 1) (+ fi fi-1) fi)))
  (cond ((< n 2) n)
        ((exact? n) (loop 1 1 0))
        (else (loop 1 1.0 0.0))))

; This procedure implements the closed form solution to the Fibonacci
; difference equation.  Its efficiency hinges on the unknown efficiency
; of some primitive numerical routines.

(define (fib3 n)
  (let ((sqrt5 (sqrt 5.0)))
    (round (/ (expt (/ ( + 1.0 sqrt5) 2.0) n)

; This O(log n) algorithm is an extension of the corresponding algorithm
; for exponentiation of numbers found in just about any introductory
; textbook.  Here we take advantage of the fact (given to me by Will
; Clinger) that

;                                n
;                      | 1   1 |        | fn+1  fn   |
;                      |       |    =   |            |
;                      | 1   0 |        | fn    fn-1 |

; and exponentiate the 2x2 matrix by successive squaring.

(define realIdentity '((1.0 0.0)
                       (0.0 1.0)))

(define integerIdentity '((1 0)
                          (0 1)))

(define (extract M)
  (caar M))

; This top level procedure determines the type of its lone argument.

(define (fib4 n)
  (extract (if (exact? n)
               (power (- n 1) integeridentity)
               (power (- n 1) realidentity))))

; The actual calculations take place here.  If the exponent is even,
; we square the matrix and halve the exponent since x^n = (x^2)^(n/2)
; when n is even.  Otherwise, we factor out an x before squaring.

(define power
  (lambda (exponent identity)
    (define (exponential i)
      (cond ((= i 0) identity)
            ((odd? i) (product (square (exponential (quotient (- i 1)
            (else (square (exponential (quotient i 2))))))
    (exponential exponent)))

; This special purpose routine multiplies the 2x2 matrix given at the 
; outset of this discussion by its argument.  It also takes advantage
; of the fact that x is symmetric.

(define (product x)
  (let* ((a11 (caar x))
         (a12 (cadar x))
         (a21 a12)                             ;in general, (caadr x)
         (a22 (cadadr x)))
    (list (list (+ a11 a21)
                (+ a12 a22))
          (list a11

; This procedure is a bit more general in that it will square and return
; any 2x2 symmetric matrix.  All potentially redundant calculations are
; being performed once and for all.

(define (square x)
  (let* ((a11 (caar x))
         (a12 (cadar x))
         (a21 a12)                             ;in general, (caadr x)
         (a22 (cadadr x))
         (trace (+ a11 a22))
         (crossproduct (* a12 a21))
         (aij (* a12 trace)))                  ;or (* a21 trace)
    (list (list (+ crossproduct
                   (* a11 a11))
          (list aij
                (+ crossproduct
                   (* a22 a22))))))

Tom Scavo

haltraet@gondle.idt.unit.no (Hallvard Traetteberg) (04/14/91)

In a class on Knowledge Based Software Design we had an assignment on
fibonacci-numbers. We were supposed to demonstrate how one could logically
deduce the standard linear algorithm from the exponential one. When trying to
solve the problem I found the following formula:

    fib(n) = fib(m) * fib(n-m) + fib(m-1) * fib (n-m-1)

It's easy to prove correct by induction and equally easy to "prove"
intuitively by expanding the standard formula fib(n) = fib(n-1) + fib(n-2) a
couple of times.

By choosing m = (n+ n mod 2)/2 one is able to divide the problem into two
approximately equal problems. Writing the equations for n mod 2 = 0 and
n mod 2 = 1 gives:

fib(n) = (fib(n/2))^2 + (fib(n/2 - 1))^2             ; n mod 2 = 0
fib(n) = fib((n-1)/2)(fib((n-1)/2) + 2*fib((n-3)/2)) ; n mod 2 = 1

Each of the equations gives two fib-calculations around n/2, so the complexity
is linear. Since the n's are divided by two and thus reach 1 after log(n)
steps, the computation tree is bound to calculate som fib-numbers more than
once. The same kind of reasoning tells us that the standard fib-formula makes
redundant calculations since the complexity is exponential and n decreases by
at least 1 in each call.

By expanding the formulas I was able to find where the redundant calculations
were made. It wasn't difficult to reformulate the algorithm so to calculate
each fib-number only once. Since we still reach 1 after log(n) steps the
algorithm is O(log(n)). Unfortunately it is written in Common Lisp and uses
multiple values, but it shouldn't be hard to translate to Scheme:

;;; Auxillary function

(defun fib2-aux (n f1 f2)
  (cond ((< n 2) (values 1))
        ((evenp n) (+ (* f1 f1) (* f2 f2)))
	(t (* f1 (+ f1 (* 2 f2))))

;;; The fib-function itself (fib1 was the linear version, hence the name).

(defun fib2 (n)
  (case n
    ((0 1) (values 1 n 0))
    (2     (values 2 1 1))
    (t (multiple-value-bind (f1 f2 f3) (fib2 (truncate n 2))
	 (values (fib2-aux n f1 f2)
		 (if (evenp n)
		     (fib2-aux (1- n) f2 f3)
		     (fib2-aux (1- n) f1 f2))
		 (fib2-aux (- n 2) f2 f3))

It's a bit hard to explain, but it works!  It actually calculates fib(n),
fib(n-1) and fib(n-2) at the same time, so it returns three numbers:

>(trace fib2)
>(fib2 100)
  1> (FIB2 100)
    2> (FIB2 50)
      3> (FIB2 25)
        4> (FIB2 12)
          5> (FIB2 6)
            6> (FIB2 3)
              7> (FIB2 1)
              <7 (FIB2 1 1 0)
            <6 (FIB2 3 2 1)
          <5 (FIB2 13 8 5)
        <4 (FIB2 233 144 89)
      <3 (FIB2 121393 75025 46368)
    <2 (FIB2 20365011074 12586269025 7778742049)
  <1 (FIB2 573147844013817084101 354224848179261915075 218922995834555169026)


The trace shows that it is logarithmic, it calculates the three fib-numbers
fib(n), fib(n-1) and fib(n-2) for each n. These are the only fib-numbers that
are calculated and additionally they are calculated only once. 

The use of multiple values make the code rather nice. I guess an equivalent
scheme implementation will have to return a list and destructure it with car
and cdr. Common Lisp isn't that bad is it? :-)

            - hal (Student at the Norwegian Institute of Technology)

                                       - haltraet (@idt.unit.no)