[net.micro] future of software.

BILLW@SRI-KL.ARPA (07/04/84)

From:  William Chops Westfield <BILLW@SRI-KL.ARPA>

I am interested in the possible paths that future microcomputer
software development might take.  There has been a lot of discussion
on this and other lists about copy protection, pricing, support,
ethics, upgrades, quality of software, etc.  A lot of the current
upheaval is caused by the youth of the industry, and things are
bound to settle down eventually,  but I am wondering which direction
things everything will be going.  Here are a few ideas:

Current status:
	Software is largely a cottage industry, with programs
	being written by individual programmers, and marketed
	though publishers.  Occasionally a "software house"
	(ala Microsoft) or a manufacturer will write a large
	set of software.  Pricing and quality vary wildly.

Option 1:
	As the number of computers capable of running the same
	software (total number of computer - ie if 1e8 macs sell,
	even with no mac-alikes, thats a big market), companies
	like Borland will become profitable and proliferate.
	They will sell quality software at low prices, reducing
	the need for copy protection, etc.  Companies like uSoft
	will be forced into this mold to compete.  Cottage programmers
	will not be able to get a product to market fast enough
	to make it worth their while. (I already had this problem.
	remember when there were NO good communications programs
	for the IBM PC?  Didn't last very long...)
	I tend to feel that this will cause the quality of software
	to stabalize, as Borland and equivilents employ many of the
	good programmers around.  The quality will be quite good,
	but not as high as the BEST of the sort of thing you can
	get now. (You will no longer end of paying $60 for a
	piece of crap, but programs like Fancy Font or MINCE (both
	largely labors of love, I guess) may disapear with the
	cottage programmers).  Is this good or bad?

Option 2:
	As microcomputers become more of an appliance, manufacturers
	will include "everything" necessary.  This will lead to
	a sort of catastrophic distruction of the software market.
	As fewer compilers/tools are available, fewer programmers
	will exist, leading to still less programming... [I hope not!]
	I am rather at loss to explain where all the customers
	buying Turbo Pascal are comming from.  After all, programming
	is supposed to be difficult.  Or do most copies of Turbo end
	up like our copy of IBMPC communications package? - purchased
	because it was cheap, but hardly ever used...

Option 3:
	Borland, like some other places, will discover that there
	is a huge market even if their prices are higher.  They'll
	raise the prices, add copy protection, and become like
	Microsoft.  Quality will improve over the current level,
	but prices will soar also.  [This sort of thing has already
	happened on the business software front.  DBASE II, LOTUS 123,
	etc are all EXPENSIVE, and still sell...]  Sigh.

	What will happen to public domain software?  As user groups
	become more organized, will it become better organized,
	supported, etc? (consider DECUS as an example).  Currently,
	some of the best TOPS20 software around is essentially
	public domain (EMACS, MMail system, PASCAL, KERMIT, MODEM),
	for example.  In many cases already, PD software is much
	better than similar commercial software, but no one knows
	about it.  Will good PD programmers decide they'd rather
	make money? [Lauren and I sold out (or tried to), RMS is
	writing PD UNIX...]

	What about the "freeware" concept?  There are a couple of
	such authors out there, how does it seem to work?

Sigh.  Enough.

Bill Westfield
"I got blisters on my fingers"

anthro@ut-ngp.UUCP (Michael Fischer) (07/21/84)

The future of software will remain with the cottage programmer, although
the organization will change somewhat.  The principal problem that exists,
as mentioned, is the difficulty of getting the product to market.  The time
and expense involved can be staggering to an individual.  Advertising support
alone must exceed $100k, and that is a paltry sum these days.  

The industry would like the programmers' sweatshop approach, but that probably
will not wash.  While many programmers will work for a salary, many of the best
will not.  A single skilled programmer can knock down $50,000 a year in first
deliverys only, and another $50-100k per year in residuals.  Not many of these
programmers' works are widely available, since they are delivered in highly
priced packages, although many of them would be valuable to a wider audience.

My view of the future is really a continuation of the past.  Most of the
product that is 'hot' was either a company's startup product, ie their
transformation from cottage to big-time, or a product that was written
by a independant and distributed by a pre-existing group.  I think that this
will continue with a greater organization, much like the publishing industry,
or the music industry.  Sure minor products will be hacked out by staff
programmers, but I think that the 'huge' software will continue from its
present source.

Mike Fischer  anthro@utngp