[comp.lang.scheme] FPCA 91 Advance Program

muller@speed.uucp (Robert Muller) (05/23/91)

                     FPCA '91 Advance Program

           Conference on Functional Programming Languages 
                     and Computer Architecture 

            Cambridge, Massachusetts, August 28-30, 1991

 Sponsored by IFIP WG 2.8, ACM SIGPLAN/SIGARCH, and Harvard University

The conference will be held on the campus of Harvard University in 
Cambridge, Massachusetts August 28-30, 1991. The conference will be 
preceded by a two day tutorial August 26-27, 1991. 


Monday August 26th  -- Functional Programming Basics --

8:00-9:00       Tutorial Registration

9:00-12:00      Tutorial on Standard ML - Mads Tofte

2:00- 5:00      Exploiting Lazy Functional Languages - John Hughes

Tuesday August 27th -- Advanced Research Topics --

9:00-12:00      Partial Evaluation - Neil Jones

2:00-5:00       Manipulating State in Functional Languages
                - Paul Hudak and Phil Wadler

5:00-6:30       Tour of Natural History Museum

6:30-9:00       Conference Registration

7:00-9:00       Conference Reception


Wednesday August 28th

7:30-5:00       Conference Registration

08:50           Welcome

09:00-10:30     Types and Overloading - Chair: Mitch Wand

09:00           Type Classes and Overloading-Resolution via 
                Order-Sorted Unification, Tobias Nipkow 
                and Gregor Snelting.

09:30           On the Complexity of ML Typability with Overloading,
                Dennis M Volpano and Geoffrey S Smith.

10:00           Coercive Type Isomorphism, Satish R Thatte.

10:30-11:00     Coffee

11:00-12:30     Multi-threading and Parallelism - Chair: Lennart Augustsson

11:00           Compiler-Controlled Multithreading for Lenient
                Parallel Languages, Klaus Erik Schauser, David E Culler
                and Thorsten von Eicken.

11:30           Multi-thread Code Generation for Dataflow Architectures
                from Non-Strict Programs, Kenneth R Traub.

12:00           GAML: a Parallel Implementation of Lazy ML, Luc Maranget.

12:30-2:00      Lunch

2:00-3:30       Partial Evaluation and Program Calculation - Chair: Neil Jones

2:00            Functional Programming with Bananas, Lenses, Envelopes,
                and Barbed Wire, Erik Meijer, Maarten Fokkinga,
                and Ross Paterson.

2:30            Self-Applicable Partial Evaluation Without S-Expressions, 
                John Launchbury.

3:00            Automatic Online Parallel Evaluation, Daniel Weise,
                Roland Conybeare, Erik Ruf and Scott Seligman.

3:30-4:00       Coffee

4:00-5:30       State and Sequentiality - Chair: Paul Hudak

4:00            Assignments for Applicative Languages, Vipin Swarup,
                Uday S. Reddy and Evan Ireland.

4:30            Linearity and Laziness, David Wakeling and Colin Runciman.

5:00            Syntactic Detection of Single-Threading using Continuations, 
                Pascal Fradet

Thursday August 29th

9:00-10:30      Theory of lambda-calculus - Chair: Lambert Meertens

9:00            A Projection Model of Types, D J Lillie and P G Harrison.

9:30            What is an Efficient Implementation of the Lambda-calculus?
                Gudmund S Frandsen and Carl Sturtivant.

10:00           Outline of a proof theory of parametricity, Harry G  Mairson.

10:30-11:00     Coffee

11:00-12:30     Strictness Analysis - Chair: Geoffrey Burn

11:00           Reasoning about Simple and Exhaustive Demand in Higher-Order
                Lazy Languages, Allen Leung and Prateek Mishra.

11:30           Strictness Analysis in Logical Form, Thomas P Jensen.

12:00           A Note on Abstract Interpretation of Polymorphic Functions, 
                Gebreselassie Baraki.

12:30-2:00      Lunch

2:00-3:30       Type Systems: Pragmatics - Chair: John Mitchell.

2:00            Incremental Polymorphism, Shail Aditya and Rishiyur S Nikhil.

2:30            Dynamics in ML, Xavier Leroy and Michel Mauny.

3:00            Implementing Regular Trees, Alexander Aiken and Brian R Murphy.

3:30-4:00       Coffee

4:00-5:30       Partial Evaluation and Binding Time Analysis - 
                Chair: John Launchbury

4:00            Efficient Type Inference for Higher-Order Binding-Time
                Analysis, Fritz Henglein.

4:30            Finiteness Analysis, Carsten Kehler Holst.

5:00            For a Better Support of Static Data Flow, Charles Consel
                and Olivier Danvy.

5:30-6:00       Report from the Program Committee

7:00            Banquet at the Fogg Art Museum

Friday August 30th

9:00-10:30      State and Cacheing - Chair: Warren Burton

9:00            An Architectural Technique for Cache-level Garbage 
                Collection, Tzi-cker Chiueh.

9:30            M-Structures: Extending a Parallel Non-strict Functional
                Language with State, Paul Barth, Rishiyur S Nikhil and Arvind.

10:00           List Comprehensions in AGNA - A Parallel Persistent
                Object System, Michael L Heytens and Rishiyur S Nikhil.

10:30-11:00     Coffee

11:00-12:30     Implementation - Chair: Mike Reeve

11:00           Generating Efficient Code for Lazy Functional Languages, 
                Sjaak Smetsers, Eric Nocker, John van Groningen 
                and Rinus Plasmeijer.

11:30           Making Abstract Machines Less Abstract, John Hannan.

12:00           Unboxed values as first class citizens, Simon L Peyton Jones.

12:30           Program ends

                        Conference Committee

Program Committee Chair       Program Committee

John Hughes                   Arvind, MIT, USA
Dept of Computing Science     Lennart Augustsson, Chalmers University, Sweden
University of Glasgow         Geoffrey Burn, Imperial College London, GB
Glasgow G12 8QQ               Warren Burton, Simon Fraser University, Canada
Scotland                      Luca Cardelli, DEC SRC, USA
rjmh@cs.glasgow.ac.uk         Paul Hudak, Yale University, USA
                              Neil Jones, Copenhagen University, Denmark
                              Michel Mauny, INRIA, France
                              Lambert Meertens, CWI & Utrecht Univ., 
                                                The Netherlands
                              Robin Milner, Edinburgh University, GB
                              Mike Reeve, ECRC, West Germany
                              Colin Runciman, York University, GB
                              Mitch Wand, Northeastern University, USA

Local Arrangements Chair      Conference Chair

Robert Muller                 John Williams
Aiken Computation Lab.        IBM Almaden Research Center K53-803
Harvard University            650 Harry Road
Cambridge, MA 02138           San Jose, CA 95120
(617) 495-8427                (408) 927-1888
muller@harvard.edu            williams@ibm.com
FAX: (617) 495-9837

               FPCA '91 Conference and Tutorial Registration

To register for the conference and/or tutorial circle the appropriate
fee(s) below and mail the form with a check or money order for the 
appropriate amount to:

                        ACM/FPCA '91 Registration
                           11 West 42nd Street
                         New York, NY, USA  10036
                  Attention:  Rachael Robins, SIG Services

                        Phone: (212) 869-7440, ext. 347
                              FAX: (212) 302-5826
                        Email: meetings@acmvm.bitnet

     First Name:                   Last Name:

     Name on Badge:



     ACM Member No.:

     Electronic Mail Address:

          Check drawn on US bank payable to ACM/FPCA '91
          MasterCard            Visa               Amex
          Card No.:                                Expires

          Name on Card:


The conference registration fee includes the museum tour, the conference
reception, morning and afternoon coffee breaks, two luncheons, the 
conference banquet, and a copy of the proceedings. The tutorial 
registration fee includes tutorial sessions, morning and afternoon
coffee breaks, lunches and tutorial notes. 

Tutorial Registration Fees	     Before 8/1/91   After 8/1/91
    ACM Member		 	 	 $260		 $310
    Non-member				 $310		 $360
    Student				 $100		 $100

Conference Registration Fees	     Before 8/1/91   After 8/1/91
    ACM Member				 $265		 $330
    Non-member				 $320		 $420
    Student				 $120 		 $120

Tutorial registration packets and on-site registration facilities will be
available before the first tutorial session on Monday August 26. Conference
registration packets and on-site registration facilities will be available
at the conference reception on Tuesday evening and at the lecture hall on 
Wednesday morning. (Additional copies of the conference proceedings will be
available for purchase at the registration desk.)

Early registration through the ACM must be completed by August 1, 1991.
Requests for refunds must be received by August 15, 1991.


The conference guest center is the Charles Hotel in Harvard Square. The 
hotel is a short walk to all the conference activities. The room rates 
are $107 (plus tax) for a single and $127 (plus tax) for a double. Guests
should make their reservations directly with the hotel either by calling
the following number or by sending in the hotel registration form below. 
>From the U.S. and Canada call toll-free at 800-882-1818. Outside of the 
U.S. and Canada the number is 617-864-1200. Faxes can be sent to 
617-864-5715. Please be sure to indicate that you will be attending the
FPCA conference. 

Complete the form below and mail to:

                   Attn: Reservations Department
                   Charles Hotel in Harvard Square
                   One Bennett at Eliot Street
                   Cambridge, MA 02138

Check preferred daily rate:

  ___Single (one person) $107       ___Double (two persons) $127


Reservations will be released after 6pm unless guaranteed. Check or 
money order in US dollars should be made payable to the Charles Hotel
at Harvard Square. Please do not send currency. 


          Card Name__________Expiration Date_______
          Card Number______________________________
          Cardholder Name__________________________
          Arrival Date___________Arrival Time______
          Dept. Date_________Dept. Time____________

To ensure the conference rate, reservations must be received by August 1, 


There are a limited number of single dormitory rooms available on a first
come first serve basis. The rooms are available from Sunday August 25 to 
Saturday August 31. The rooms are simple but comfortable. The rate is $40
per night. If you are interested in securing a dorm room please complete 
and send in the form below or contact the local arrangements chair. We 
strongly encourage those interested in dorm accommodations to contact us
soon. Mail the completed reservation form to:

		Attention: FPCA '91
                Aiken Computation Laboratory
                Harvard University
                33 Oxford Street
                Cambridge, MA 02138


Check or money order in US dollars for total amount (number of nights 
times $40) should be made payable to FPCA '91. Please do not send currency. 

          Arrival Date___________Arrival Time______
          Dept. Date_________Dept. Time____________
          Amount Enclosed__________________________

                       Conference Information

The conference and tutorial will be held on the campus of Harvard University
in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Cambridge is located in the metropolitan 
Boston area and is easily accessible by subway from downtown Boston. 
Cambridge tends to be rather warm and humid during late August with 
average temperatures ranging from a high of 80f (27 c) to a low of 60f
(16 c). 


United Airlines has been designated the preferred carrier for FPCA '91,
offering special round-trip fares to North American conferees. United will
allow an additional 5% saving off any published round-trip fares within 
the United States, or 40% off full coach fares from domestic cities or 
comparable published Canadian Meeting fares from selected Canadian cities.
These fares are valid from August 23, 1991 through September 2, 1991. 
To take advantage of these discounts call 800-521-4041 and refer to 
Meeting ID No. 506EJ or give this information to your travel agent.

A taxi from Boston's Logan airport to Harvard Square is approximately $18. 
To take MBTA rapid transit (known locally as the T) from Logan airport 
to Harvard Square, take the airport shuttle bus to the Airport MBTA 
station. Take the blue line train inbound to the Government Center 
station. Transfer to the green line inbound one stop to the Park Street
station. Transfer to the red line outbound in the direction of Alewife 
station. Disembark at the Harvard Square station.

To drive from Logan airport to Harvard Square, take the Summner Tunnel 
to US 93 North. Then take Storrow Drive westbound to the Harvard Square
exit, turning right onto Kennedy Street toward Harvard Square. Turn left 
on Eliot Street. The Charles hotel will be on your left. There is a 
parking garage adjacent to the hotel.

Campus parking privileges can be obtained from the local arrangements

Social Events

Harvard's Museums of Natural History (26 Oxford Street) will be open to 
conferees for a private tour at 5pm on Tuesday August 27th. The tour 
will include an exhibition of a remarkable collection of glass flowers,
gems and minerals, and an entomological exhibition.

Immediately after the tour there will be a reception (7pm Tuesday August
27th) at the Cronkhite Graduate Center (6 Ash Street).
There will be a reception and banquet at 7:00pm on Thursday August 29th
in the courtyard of the Fogg Art Museum (32 Quincy Street). The museum
is internationally known for its outstanding collection and will be 
available exclusively for those attending the banquet. Extra tickets 
for the banquet may be obtained from the local arrangements chair.

For additional information contact the local arrangements chair.