[comp.sys.sgi] XNS between VMS/Fortran and Unix/C


Pete Loan

Help us please...

We are running dynamical simulations in Fortran on our VAX (VMS), and would
like to pipe the data, as it is generated, over ethernet (XNS protocol) to
our IRIS 2400T, where a C program would display it. Since there is no written
doc on VMS-XNS-Fortran, we're having trouble figuring out how to do it. We've
looked through the library on the VAX (and files like io.for, vmsio.for, etc.),
but they're difficult to decifer. On the IRIS-C end, we've examined the DOG
source code and tried things like xnsconnect and zsend, but can't get that
either. There's got to be someone out there who has done this before, and if
so, they could save us a week or two of trial and error.

What do we do... (enquiring minds want to know)

 Peter Loan
 V.A. Hospital/Stanford

mascagni@acf4.UUCP (Michael Mascagni) (12/13/87)

I have been using a Cray frontended by a VMS vax to create data that I
animate on a 4D/60T that is on our ethernet.  Since the files I create
are too massive to sit directly on the Iris, I cat them over to the Iris
from the Vax disk farm over the ethernet.  If your VMS has Eunice you can
issue a cat on the Vax under Eunice from a remote shell (rsh) on the Iris
provided you can rlogin to the Vax.  I suppose that if you can run your
program under Eunice, then you can rsh the same commands and run the
program on the Vax from the Iris under a remote shell.,  Hope you have
Eunice as if you don't I don't have a clue what to do. 

                       Michael Mascagni mascagni@ncifcrf.gov
                       National Institutes of Health
                       Building 31, Room 4B-54
                       Bethesda, Maryland  20892
                       Tel:(301) 496-4325

miked@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (12/16/87)


As an alternative, you might investigate installing the IRIS Remote Graphic
Library (available from your friendly purveyor of IRISes) on your VAX.

This will permit you to write your graphic display code using
familiar IRIS graphic calls in FORTRAN or C on the VAX, link this to your
application code, and run it on the VAX.

As you generate graphics information, it is sent to the IRIS which is running
a terminal emulation program (thus becoming a fancy terminal to the VAX).

We have linked a MicroVaxII running ULTRIX to our IRIS this way on a
TCP/IP LAN. It has the advantage of eliminating the need to build a
graphic data output file, the data transfer step, and the need for a
separate graphics display program to be written on the IRIS. A
disadvantage is that your graphics display speed will be paced by the
VAX, which may or not be a problem in your application. I know the RGL
is available for VMS systems, but am not sure about XNS network
support, though this is easily checked by a call to your friendly

Mike Drooker
Design Laboratory
Ocean Engineering Department