[comp.sys.sgi] Overhead Projector Mac Displays


In response to A. E. Siegman's posting about the quality of overhead Mac 

I, too, was at the MacWorld show, and I looked at all the displays.  Kodak 
was indeed there.  In my opinion, the Kodak display was the best at the 
show.  The contrast was high, it was sharp and fast, and I could 
perceive no row or column artifacts.  It is not surprising that their 
display was so good, considering that the first company to my knowledge 
which came out with a good display for the PC was mostly owned by Kodak.  
Kodak, unlike many of the other vendors at the show, made sure that the 
display conditions were as good as possible, which may have exaggerated 
the difference in quality.  

The Kodak display was, however specifically for the small Macs, and the 
salesman there refused to comment at all about their plans for a Mac II 

The use of the term "high-powered" to describe the overhead projector is 
dangerous.  Everyone who has left an LCD watch on a car dashboard knows 
that heat and LCD's are natural enemies.  The original Sayett system, the 
Kodak precursor, was said to fail after about an hour on cheap projectors.  
So, if you get one of these, make sure that the projector has the magic 
piece of glass that stops infrared.  

I have no connection with any of the vendors except as a potential 

Eric Pepke                           pepke%fsu.mfenet@nmfecc.arpa
Supercomputer Computations           pepke%scri.hepnet@lbl-csa2.arpa
   Research Institute                pepke%fsu.bitnet@wiscvm.wisc.edu
Florida State University

Disclaimer: My employers seldom even LISTEN to my opinions, let alone 
            endorse them.
Meta-disclaimer: Any society that needs disclaimers has too many lawyers.