jts@bu-cs.BU.EDU (Joe Szep) (04/02/88)
Join Silicon Graphics and DISCOVER the power of visual computing. Visual computing shortens the distance between concept and reality. IRIS Superworkstations allow you to simulate real world phenomenon on a computer screen and interact with it in real time. Our mini trade shows will give you the opportunity to explore the possibilities of 3D graphics. Come and see the new high end Superworkstation from Silicon Graphics, the "IRIS GT". Experience the future of computer graphics technology - visual computing. The IRIS 4D/70 GT is a balance of computing power and graphics performance that supports real world applications: VLSI design, animation, manufacturing simulation, visual simulation, and general scientific. With RISC as their computing platform, third party experts will demonstrate what makes the IRIS unique. DATE LOCATION THEME(S) ---- -------- -------- April 18 Holiday Inn Industrial/Conceptual 300 Plaza Drive Design and Animation Secaucus, NJ (201) 348-2000 To Register: (201) 599-2172 April 20 Royce Carlin Visual Simulation 598 Broad Hollow and MCAE Melville, NY (516) 845-1000 To Register: (516) 424-9445 April 22 Philadelphia Airport Marriot Industrial/Conceptual 4509 Island Avenue Design and Animation Philadelphia, PA (215) 365-4150 To Register: (201) 599-2172 April 25 Holiday Inn - Rochester South Molecular Modeling, 1111 Jefferson Road MCAE, and Visual Rochester, NY Simulation (716) 475-1510 To Register: (617) 891-8100 April 27 Park Plaza Molecular Modeling, 155 Temple Street MCAE, and Visual New Haven, CT Simulation (203) 772-1700 To Register: (617) 891-8100 April 29 Days Inn, Burlington Molecular Modeling, Wheelen Road MCAE, and Visual Burlington, MA Simulation (617) 272-8800 To Register: (617) 891-8100 Please note: Please direct all inquires to the "To Register" phone numbers, not this account. Thank you.