[comp.sys.sgi] Games

doelz@urz.unibas.ch (Reinhard Doelz) (12/06/88)

*flame on*
What the hell do you do with your computers ???
My mailbox gets dozens of idiotic postings on dogfights on IRISes.
Don't you have urgent problems like me ?

I am fighting with SGI because of their "support".
I try to run 4DDN but have problems.
I want to tune the sysetem and don't know how to start best.
I should have a better accounting system than standard AT&T V.3.
I really want to run batch jobs on the IRIS but the documentation of 
  that matter is as usual - just inadequate.

And you guys bother about how to run Dogfight and Arena!!!

*flame off*

If you want to talk serious about problems mentioned above, please 
post it on this bboard to rais its niveau!


timelord@eos.UUCP (G. Murdock Helms) (12/07/88)

(Reinhard Doelz) writes:
>*flame on*
>What the hell do you do with your computers ???
>My mailbox gets dozens of idiotic postings on dogfights on IRISes.
>Don't you have urgent problems like me ?

Yes, we have urgent problems too.  And when we have urgent problems,
we call Hotline Support and work out the problem with them.  Using 
the comp.sys.sgi newsgroup for urgent problems is much like using
mail for urgent messages....you get better results if you call.

>I am fighting with SGI because of their "support".
>I try to run 4DDN but have problems.
>I want to tune the sysetem and don't know how to start best.
>I should have a better accounting system than standard AT&T V.3.
>I really want to run batch jobs on the IRIS but the documentation of 
>  that matter is as usual - just inadequate.

Have you posted a concise, accurate posting to comp.sys.sgi about 
each of these problems?  There is a possibility that they are not
getting out.  I, for one, have not seen any postings on the topics
you've mentioned.  A call to your local Customer Rep may be in order

Also, please keep in mind that this newsgroup is designed for 
users to share information about Irises with each other, as well
as for posting complaints, suggestions, etc.  You mentioned that
you're getting all these posts in your mailbox...you might consider
reading comp.sys.sgi through newsgroups instead, so as to take
advantage of the "n" feature in your newsreader.
>And you guys bother about how to run Dogfight and Arena!!!

dog and arena are both demo programs on the Iris.  As such, we
need the information to find out how to make them run.  Some people
may even need these programs to run in order to show off the power
of their machine, or even to test how breakable another of their
machines is (dog and arena both broadcast like crazy).

There are two things we need to be careful about on this, or any
		1.  We MUST be courteous to each other.  
		    A flame war will only bury the articles
		    of value.  Please be considerate of the
		    other posters.

		2.  If you spot something you'd like to 
		    comment on, or would like to follow up,
		    please check the rest of the group first
		    to make certain someone hasn't already
		    asked the same question.  25 "how do I do X"
		    articles, all asking the same thing, can
		    get a bit tiresome.


crgabb@sdrc.UUCP (Rob Gabbard) (12/07/88)

Relating to this discussion about SGI software problems and all the interest
in the games; during this year's SGI User's Conference at SIGGRAPH a man got up
and said:

"I compare using a Silicon Graphics Workstation to riding a very fast trail
bike.  You can sometimes get alot of mud splattered on you but the ride is so
much fun you don't mind it." :-)

This was while SGI was apologizing for all of the problems people were having
with 4D1-3.0 prompting the quick release of 4D1-3.0 Rev. B.

Rob Gabbard (uunet!sdrc!crgabb)                 _    /|
Workstation Systems Programmer                  \'o.O'
Structural Dynamics Research Corporation        =(___)=   