[comp.sys.sgi] TeX/LaTeX/PiCTeX on 4Ds

mg@cidam.rmit.oz.AU ("Mike A. Gigante") (12/22/88)

I have had a few queries about how to get these up and going on
the Iris.
It is really very simple, I ftp'd commontex from berkeley
and built initex and virtex (BIG model). It is written in portable C
and works straight off. 

I took the U of Washington standard unix TeX tape and grabbed the CM
fonts, the .tfm files, the input files and format files nexessary
to build a normal TeX. I also grabbed the LaTeX fonts and macros from
that tape and built LaTeX.

The UoW distribution contains everything necessary to build TeX, I
believe that it even includes commontex in the distribution now.

Thanks for the suggestions about previewers and the like.
Phil Dykstra of BRL suggested texx (off the X11 distribution) as
a good starting point (or if I had X.... I could use it directly)
I have collected a couple of likely candidates from which to build
a previewer. I'll post some results at a later date.

There seems to be big demand for TeX, perhaps I should make what i have
done available for the contributed software tape..
