finnd%vax.runit.unit.uninett@NORUNIX.BITNET (Finn Drablos) (03/04/89)
I sometimes run programs on the local Cray generating graphics as UNIRAS metafiles. I then want to display the graphics on the Iris, for example by using it as a graphics terminal for the VAX- frontend, where we have UNIRAS. Is there any useful emulation software for the Iris ? Or do somebody have suggestions for an alternative solution ? ================== Finn Drablos PHONE +47 7 597710 FAX +47 7 597708 MR-Senteret, SINTEF MHS(EAN) : finnd@vax.runit.unit.uninett N-7034 TRONDHEIM, NORWAY EARN/BITNET : drabloes@norunit -----------------------------------------------------------------------