[comp.sys.sgi] IRIS 4-D: inetd crashes if yp is on

slevy@nic.MR.NET (Stuart Levy) (03/19/89)

I'm hoping some or many of you have dealt with this problem before.

/etc/inetd dumps core on our IRIS 4-D (4D1-3.147) at the first connection
attempt, if we have yellow pages enabled.  (Its YP server is then a Sun
running SunOS 3.5.)  YP appears to work fine otherwise on things like passwd
and hosts lookups.  Inetd runs as expected when we just disable YP.  This is
tolerable but it'd be nice to have it.

Inetd starts up normally, listening on the right ports (telnet, ftp, rsh etc);
the first connection attempt succeeds and then is immediately dropped, as
inetd leaves a core dump.  It appears to be doing something like FD_ISSET
with an fd of -1 -- which causes a crash since it's treated as unsigned
and so tries to index in its array with a huge offset -- but it's too hard
to trace where that number came from.

Any clues would be appreciated!

	Stuart Levy
	slevy@geom.umn.edu (or slevy@nic.mr.net or slevy@uc.msc.umn.edu)

By the way, in the exchange on sending ICMP port unreachables in reply
to routing packets: hosts are not supposed to send error replies to
broadcasts, as routing packets (including RIP) generally are.
They should be ignored unless addressed specifically to that host.
This could indicate an SGI software bug or disagreement over
the broadcast address or both.  It might be possible to make the error
messages disappear by setting the IRIS's broadcast address to whatever
address the broadcasts are being sent to, if 3.5 allows that.

robert@shangri-la.gatech.edu.gatech.edu (Robert Viduya) (03/20/89)

> /etc/inetd dumps core on our IRIS 4-D (4D1-3.147) at the first connection
> attempt, if we have yellow pages enabled.  (Its YP server is then a Sun
> running SunOS 3.5.)  YP appears to work fine otherwise on things like passwd
> and hosts lookups.  Inetd runs as expected when we just disable YP.  This is
> tolerable but it'd be nice to have it.

We had this problem a few weeks back and tracked it down to the fact that sgi's
inetd expects a few specific entries in the /etc/services file.  Since the
/etc/services file is yp'ed and sun's default services file doesn't include
the ones that sgi's inetd expects, inetd just gives up and dumps core.  We
fixed the problem by copying the entries for "bootpc", "chargen" (both of them),
"ntalk" and "bootp" from sgi's /etc/services file to the services file on the
sun yp server.  Inetd hasn't complained since.

Robert Viduya					   robert@shangri-la.gatech.edu
Office of Computing Services
Georgia Institute of Technology					 (404) 894-6296
Atlanta, Georgia	30332-0275

spike@adt.UUCP (Joe Ilacqua) (03/20/89)

<> /etc/inetd dumps core on our IRIS 4-D (4D1-3.147) at the first connection
<> attempt, if we have yellow pages enabled.  (Its YP server is then a Sun
<> running SunOS 3.5.)  YP appears to work fine otherwise on things like passwd
<> and hosts lookups.  Inetd runs as expected when we just disable YP.  This is
<> tolerable but it'd be nice to have it.
<We had this problem a few weeks back and tracked it down to the fact that sgi's
<inetd expects a few specific entries in the /etc/services file.  Since the
</etc/services file is yp'ed and sun's default services file doesn't include
<the ones that sgi's inetd expects, inetd just gives up and dumps core.

	I can confirm this too.  I simply merged the Sun and 4D
services files (there were no conflicts) and have had no problems
since.  However be warned that if you have programs which use
getpwent(3C) (et al), they must be linked with '-lsun -lbsd'.  If they
where not they will not use yp and will not be able to find users in
the password file.  This is documented, but a bit of a pain.

Joe Ilacqua
Associative Design Technology

tim@ZORAC.DCIEM.DND.CA (Tim Pointing) (03/24/89)

I had similar problems with inetd using YP from another system (a Sun).
I think the problem stems from inetd not finding one of the executables
listed in "/usr/etc/inetd.conf" (the x-server line.) After I commented out
that line (and the other couple of lines which weren't mentioned in the
YP servers services but were in the inetd.conf file. We seem to be running
just fine now.

Tim Pointing, DCIEM