[comp.sys.sgi] Memory upgrades for the personal iris

asimms@phoenix.Princeton.EDU (Andrew Simms) (05/20/89)

A few weeks ago, I posted some inquiries about non-SGI memory upgrades
for the personal Iris.  First of all thanks to all who posted advice.
Secondly, our results:  We found the following vendor for the SIMMS 
who had the best price, great service and was very helpful.  It is:

	Impediment, Inc.
	333 Duxbury, MA   02332

Alex was the contact person.  He offers the following:  1x9 DIP style
100ns SIMMS, lifetime replacement warranty (mention you that might buy
from Clearpoint), for $155/MB.  The manufacturer is company called
Kensington.  We successfully installed 40MB accross 5 Irises without
incident.  They have been running happily now for over one week.

	Andrew Simms				ams@acm.princeton.edu
	Applied Math
	218 Fine Hall, Washington Road
	Princeton University
	Princeton, NJ  08544