[comp.sys.sgi] boxview demo updated

kelvin@cs.utexas.edu (Kelvin Thompson) (06/06/89)

I just submitted to VGR.BRL.MIL an upgraded version of the interactive
'boxview' demo I first posted here last summer.  The demo lets you view
a 3D faceted object read from an ascii geometry file (following the
form of DEC's OFF format).  The demo provides an intuitive user
interface for rotating the object and changing the viewing geometry.
'Boxview' runs only on Irises.

Improvements over the last update (last fall):

  * The program now works on Personal Irises.

  * The program lets you look at several geometry files at once.

  * I've also written two utility applications that concatenate and
    transform (rotate, scale, translate) geometry files.  These are
    simple text filters that take one or more geometry files on input
    and produce a single geometry file as output.  (No graphics.)

Source files, makefiles, documentation, and sample data files are all
in file 'info-iris/boxview.tar' on VGR.BRL.MIL (internet
I also hope to put a large collection of geometry files there within a
couple of weeks.

Those of you that don't have internet access can write me for a mailed
version of the application.  Unfortunately, I can't guarantee any kind
of response time.  It's going to take some work to partition everything
into mailable packages (probably five shar files of under 32K apiece),
so it may be weeks, months, or never before you get the program.  (I
will, however, send you a quick acknowledgement letting you know you're
on the list.)

-- Kelvin Thompson, Lone Rider of the Apocalypse
   kelvin@cs.utexas.edu  {...,uunet}!cs.utexas.edu!kelvin