davis@blake.acs.washington.edu (Darrell Davis) (06/08/89)
Does anyone have a a copy of "dvi2ps" that they are using on an iris 4D that works reliably. The version that we have is quite buggy. I received what looks like a newer version from Nelson Beebe, but is all BSD stuff. I could hack on the BSD version, but if someone has already done this I would appreciate some info/code. Whatever happpened to the Tex previewer for the Iris? Darrell Davis Chem. Dept University of WashingtoN
blbates@AERO4.LARC.NASA.GOV ("Brent L. Bates TAD/TAB ms294 x42854") (06/08/89)
Yeh, what happened to the TeX previewer? Someone said they were getting it and would post it as soon as they got it. What is the status of the TeX previewer? -- Brent L. Bates NASA-Langley Research Center M.S. 294 Hampton, Virginia 23665-5225 (804) 864-2854 E-mail: blbates@aero4.larc.nasa.gov or blbates@aero2.larc.nasa.gov