[comp.sys.sgi] FORTRAN System Interface Routine Library

elkins@topaz.rutgers.edu (George Elkins) (10/19/89)

I need to use some of the routines listed in IRIS 4D FORTRAN 77
Programmer's Guide, Chapter 4, System Functions and Subroutines.
These allow many of the same system calls that can be easily
done in the C language.  I cannot seem to get these to work given only
the man page and the Guide's description.  I would rather use C,
but since I am modifying a FORTRAN program, I am stuck.  I would be
extremely grateful if someone could send me a FORTRAN code fragment
containing some of these (For example, getenv, getlog, fdate, etc.).

George Elkins

mcqueen@acf4.NYU.EDU (David M. McQueen) (10/19/89)

c     this fragment determines what type of terminal you are logged in on 
c     using the getenv routine. the purpose is to prevent inadvertently 
c     running graphics when you are not (and somebody else is) at the 
c     IRIS console. this may not be elegant, but it works. 
      character*80 terminal 
      do 101 iterm=1,80
      terminal(iterm:iterm) = ' '
  101 continue
      call getenv('TERM',terminal)
      if (terminal .ne. 'iris-ansi') then
        do 103 iterm=1,80
        lterm = iterm
        if (terminal(iterm:iterm) .eq. ' ') go to 104
  103   continue
  104   lterm = lterm - 1
        if (lterm .lt. 10) then
          write(fm,111) lterm
          write(fm,112) lterm
        end if
  111   format('(a',i1,',a52)')
  112   format('(a',i2,',a52)')
        write(6,fm) terminal(1:lterm),
     c      ' is an inappropriate terminal type for IRIS graphics'
      end if

calvin@dinkum.wpd.sgi.com (Calvin H. Vu) (10/21/89)

In article <Oct.>, elkins@topaz.rutgers.edu (George Elkins) writes:
> I need to use some of the routines listed in IRIS 4D FORTRAN 77
> Programmer's Guide, Chapter 4, System Functions and Subroutines.
> containing some of these (For example, getenv, getlog, fdate, etc.).
> George Elkins

This is an example in Fortran:

	integer putenv
	character*10 value
	character*24 name, date

	i = putenv("foo=bar")
	call getenv("foo", value)
	print *, value
	call getlog(name)
	print *, name
	call fdate(date)
	print *, date

and everything seems to work fine for me.

In 3.2 and previous releases, for some Fortran system routines that take
character arguments, if the length of your character arguments exceed 128 bytes
those routines will return an 'invalid argument' error.   This has been fixed
in our next release.   If you have the error above just check to make sure
that the character argument is not defined with a length exceeding 128 bytes.

Calvin Vu
Silicon Graphics