GEORGE_A_MANEY@cup.portal.com (11/22/89)

FMC corporate technology center has one seat of SILMA's CIMSTATION robot
CAD package available for donation to a qualified nonprofit or
charitable institution.

CIMSTATION is a CAD system for designing and simulating the kinematics of
robotic workcells.  Both commercial workstations as well as custom
robots are supported.  Features include collision detection and robot
programming language generation.

The available license is for a SGI 3000 series workstation.  It is currently
running on an 3120 with 16 MB of RAM and 300 MB of disk.  The workstation
is not available for donation.

Please contact me by telephone to discuss donation: (408) 289-2289.  I do not
generally read my Usenet mail.

				George Maneyok
				FMC Corporate Technology Center
				Santa Clara, California