[comp.sys.sgi] Problems with system 3.2

cycy@isl1.ri.cmu.edu (Scum) (11/27/89)

I, like some of the other on this list, have been having some problems with the
newly released system. However, I've not seen anybody post a problem like the
ones I have, and I am in desperate need of help with a 15 Dec deadline
approching. I've spent the past couple of weeks trying to deal with these

Most basically, my programme worked under 3.1, but does not work under 3.2. I
even recomplied. The two problems I've uncovered so far are both graphics
problems. First of all, objects are not being drawn when I use the lighting
calculations (materials, lighting models, lights). Second, mapw doesn't
work anymore.

In the first problem, I thought maybe there was something to do with the
changes in the colour map, even though I use RGBmode. I figured when faced
with a problem like this with no staring point, I might as well try anything. 
Through some twiddling, I found that that was not the problem. I define and
bind the materials, lighting model, and lights. Then I clear the window to
black with both zclear and clear (I use zbuffering), setting the colour with
cpack(0x00000000).  Then I draw the objects. They don't appear! So I set the
colour to turquoise (no reason for the colour.... it's just what the colour
turned out to be) after I clear and just before the objects are drawn, and lo
they show up! So the lmbinds don't seem to be taking effect or
something. What's going on here? Is there something else I must do now to
get the lighting stuff to work? Help!

In the second problem, mapw doesn't put valid values at the addresses sent for
the end points of the reference line; that is, the last six arguments. This
used to work too. Now when I try to printf the values as floats (which is what
Coord is typedefed to), I get NaN (which is decidedly not a float). I've
defined the object used for reference, as I had before. There was nothing
changed from when this was working in 3.1 and now that it is not working in 3.2.
I tried twiddling parameters and everything, but I can't seem to get anywhere
with this problem. Below is the code which sets up the object.

	makeobj(wrldview = genobj());
	prefposition(0, 1023, 0, 1023);
	objwin = winopen("DF Interface");
	ortho(gs_vec_num(0.0), gs_vec_num(scaler), gs_vec_num(0.0), gs_vec_num(scaler), gs_vec_num(-scaler), gs_vec_num(0.0));
	lsetdepth(1023, 0);

Not helping the situation any is the basic lack of documentation either on line
or on paper, which accompanied the new system. I really appreciated John Barton
posting those release notes; they were very useful. Unfortunately, documents
referenced within these notes had not come with our upgrade either, so I
was still at a loss for details. I don't don't know... were we the only ones
this happened to? The release notes had promising stuff in them, but I can't
really use them well if I have no documentation.

I'm getting frustrated, because I still have stuff I have to add to the system,
and this is using up all my time. Any help with these problems would be
gratefully received!
						-- Chris.

					-- Chris. (cycy@isl1.ri.cmu.edu)
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