XBR2D96D@DDATHD21.BITNET (Knobi der Rechnerschrat) (12/21/89)
Hallo everybody, I have a (for me) severe mail problem with our 4D/70-GT running 3.2. We have a network configuration consisting of the following nodes: pc1 # IRIS3130/3.6 pc7 # IBM PS/2 AIX-1.1 aix370 # IBM-3090 AIX/370-1.1 pc4 # IRIS 4D/3.2 The /etc/host files of the first three node look exactely as stated. For the first scenario that also applies for pc4. Prior to 3.2 all nodes were able to connect to each other in every direction. Now, if the /etc/host files are on all hosts as stated, I get the following behavior: pc1->pc7 ok pc7->pc1 ok pc1->aix370 ok aix370->pc1 ok pc1->pc4 not ok. After a while I get a mail bounced back, stating >>>MAIL from <martin@pc1> <<<554 rewrite: expansion too long >>>QUIT >>>554 rewrite: expansion too long 554 martin@pc4...remote protocol error pc4->pc1 not ok. After sending the mail I get on the screen rewrite: expansion too long martin@pc1...cannot resolve name The same message arives in my mailbox at pc4. The same behaviour comes with pc7 and aix370. After discovering that, I looked at sendmail.cf and found something had changed from 3.1D to 3.2. First of all the CS entries were commented out and replaced by some FS entries that looked like parser-descriptions. From my understanding of this entries, they demand that the /etc/hosts entry for my nodes should be: address node.domain [node-alias(es)] So I put that in my /etc/hosts file on pc4. Now I can send to every host without getting 'rewrite:....' erorrs. Unfortunately the pc1 MAILER-DAEMON tells me that my host is unknown (using a very ugly usenet address notation): 421 .ether... Deffered not a typewriter 550 <pc1.Bricknet!pc4.Bricknet!pc4.Bricknet!martin>... Host unknown. Not a typewriter. The mail for martin@pc1 never arrives. For pc7 and aix370 the behavior is the same, except that their DAEMONS remain quiet, so that I know nothing about the mail from pc4. Sending mails to pc4 is now possible from all nodes. Can somebody please tell me what to do in order to get my 4D into a state where I can send and receive mails. I also dont like to put a domain name into my /etc/host file, because we don't use domains on our single domain network. regards Martin Knoblauch TH-Darmstadt D-6100 Darmstadt, FRG <xbr2d96d@ddathd21.bitnet>