wjb@burl.UUCP (Bill Buie) (08/20/84)
This is in reply to a reply to my magazine pointer request. With all due apologies to our European friends, this is the only way I think I can reach him. I thought this might be justified since it may also be of use to the language hackers out there. If you want a full bona-fide FORTH, look for the Mountain Veiw Press ad in any BYTE Magazine. For thirty dollars they'll send you everything you need, except code for the editor and I/O drivers. Of course, commercial packages don't run all that much higher than that. If you're as much a tightwad as I am, no software that I can write myself is worth more than the medium it's reproduced on, in which case you'll want to look at the February and March (1981) issues of "Microcomputing". Before you get your hopes up, this is not anybody's standard of FORTH. Also, the examples are written in 8080 code, so if you're using something else (I have a C64) you'll have to use another approach to implelement equivalent ideas. And lastly, you'll still need to write your own I/O drivers and editor. If your technical library doesn't carry "Microcomputing", drop me another line and we'll see what we can work out. -- --Bill Buie