[net.news.group] proposed net.psych group survey results

peterr (05/08/83)

Thank-you to all people who sent mail to me regarding the creation of a
newsgroup to discuss issues involving psychology and computer science.  I
received 20 votes in favour and none opposed.  Some interesting comments
were made, and I hope the following summary does justice to them.  Firstly,
arizona!gary mentioned that net.psych might receive postings related to
psychic phenomena and dciem!mmt felt that it might contain discussions of
interpersonal psychology not directly related to computer science.  Thus,
a new name is needed, and net.cog-sci (Cognitive Science) seems to fit
the bill, as cognitive science seems to be the field closest to the
intersection of computer science and psychology.
  yale-comix!mwolf commented that cognitive science material should go in
net.ai rather than net.psych; perhaps the name change will solve this
problem.  In any case, cognitive science is inter-disciplinary and once you
let in another field, more will join, with the result that net.ai,
net.philosophy, and net.cog-sci will overlap, but the first two
have definite areas of concentration, reducing the problem somewhat.
  Secondly, several people mentioned specific issues to be covered:
uw-beaver!mager: psychology of human interaction over networks
ihnp4!pcl: university programmes in "CS and Psychology"
ritcv!mjl: graphic design of programs, evaluation of pointing devices
  In summary, there is support and material for a newsgroup to discuss,
as its description might read, "psychology and cognitive science applied
to the design of non-AI computer systems".  I'd be grateful if someone
would create such a group and post a notice that it has been created to
net.news.group.  Thanks.
  peter rowley, U. Toronto CSRG,  ...decvax!utzoo!utcsrgv!peterr

P.S. Thanks go to utcsrgv!(willy,ralph,roderick,perelgut), mhb5b!gsp,
uw-beaver!mager, qucis!browse, ihnp4!pcl, watmath!jamcmullan, ritcv!mjl,
arizona!(gary,rogerh), utcsstat!grant, dciem!mmt, and yale-comix!(mwolf,
feist,douglis,debenedi,rhunter) for their votes and comments.