[comp.sys.sgi] named now works!

eap@cs.bu.edu (Eric A. Pearce) (03/30/90)

     I now have our 4D's running as caching secondary nameservers.  
     Thanks go to Jesse Rendelman at the SGI Hotline for fixing my
     resolv.conf file.  The problem I had was that nfs mounts and
     exportfs would fail in the boot process, as named was not running
     yet and /etc/hosts was being ignored.   The current setup will
     work as long as you have the hosts you want to nfs mount and 
     export to in /etc/hosts.  (I'm not running YP)


     # Domain name resolver configuration file
     domain bu.edu
     # this will look at /etc/hosts
     nameserver 0 
     # ourselves
     # campus primary


     ;       @(#) 1.0 loopback.rev BU -- bucrf1 (ONLY)

     @       IN      SOA     bucrf1.bu.edu. root.bucrf1.bu.edu. (
                                     1.1     ; Serial
                                     43200   ; Refresh 3 hours
                                     3600    ; Retry   1 hour
                                     3600000 ; Expire  1000 hours
                                     86400 ) ; Minimum 24 hours

     bucrf1.bu.edu.		IN      A
     localhost.bu.edu.	IN      A
                        IN      NS      bucrf1.bu.edu.
     1       IN      PTR     localhost.


     ;  @(#)named.boot.master        1.1     (Berkeley)  86/01/28
     ; boot file for BU.EDU name server
     ; Note that there should be one primary entry for each SOA record.
     directory /usr/etc/named.d
     ; type    domain                source file or host
     cache     .                     named.ca
     secondary BU.EDU      
     primary   0.0.127.IN-ADDR.ARPA  loopback.rev 

 Eric Pearce eap@bu-pub.bu.edu
 Boston University Information Technology      
 111 Cummington Street  Boston MA 02215  617-353-2780 voice  617-353-6260 fax