[comp.sys.sgi] software Z-buffer emulation

loki@physics.mcgill.ca (Loki Jorgenson Rm421) (06/05/90)

	Is there a way to emulate the capabilities of a Z-buffer 
wothout having one?  Typically, for machines without floating point
processors one has floating point software emulation.  Can one
do something similar so that one can port Z-buffer based code
directly to non-Z'd machines?

	I suspect not if I understand Z-buffers aright but I would hate
to muck about in my ignorance if it were not the case.


Loki Jorgenson			node:  loki@physics.mcgill.ca
Physics, McGill University	fax:   (514) 398-3733
Montreal Quebec CANADA		phone: (514) 398-6531

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