[comp.sys.sgi] Looking for 2500 monitor

larryt@AE.MSSTATE.EDU (Larry Thorne) (06/07/90)

We have an old (at least 5 years...) 2500 that has been slowly dying.  First,
the power supply went, then the CPU board.  These parts are somewhat
reasonable via SGI, however, the monitor has now gone bad, and SGI wants
a LOT for a replacement.  We can't justify dumping that much more into this
2500, so....

Does anyone have a monitor for a 2500 they would like to sell for a reasonable
(read cheap) price?  Or even better, donate to a worthy educational
institution?  Or maybe an entire 2500 that we could use for spare parts?

Larry Thorne
NSF - Engineering Research Center
Mississippi State University