fsset@neptune.lerc.nasa.gov (Scott E. Townsend) (06/30/90)
(sorry if this is repeated, I had some problems with Pnews) I'd appreciate any help on how to get the font manager routines to work in a distributed GL application. I originally wrote a normal GL application using the font manager and it works ok. I then wanted to extend this program across a network. After setting-up the dgl stuff on the Personal Irises (running IRIX 3.2), I modified my makefile and code as described in the 4Sight manual. The result was three undefined symbols: gl_drawbitmap gl_beginstring gl_endstring These symbols are defined in libgl.a and libgl_s.a, but not libdgl.a I tried linking with libgl_s.a at the very end of the ld command, to pick up just these symbols, but the program gets a segmentation violation at the first fmprstr call. I then commented-out all fmprstr calls and the program runs (but with no text of course) So, does anyone know how to get the font manager to work in a distributed GL application? Any suggestions are welcome. Thanks. -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Scott Townsend | Phone: 216-433-8101 NASA Lewis Research Center | Mail Stop: 5-11 Cleveland, Ohio 44135 | Email: fsset@neptune.lerc.nasa.gov ------------------------------------------------------------------------