ddb@mrvax.DEC (05/11/84)
Does anybody have any real information about the S1 operating system? It's been advertised recently in computerworld under the headline "Unix is a dinosaur; CP/M and MS-DOS are toys" (well, they're at least half right). It claims to do everything for everybody, and their brochure claims that they already have it running on Z80, 8080, 8086/88, 68000, and will soon have it for 80286,16032 and I forget what else. They also claim C, PASCAL, MODULA-2, etc. compilers, with ADA and LISP coming. Obviously, this sounds much too good to be true. Anybody have any first-hand experience with it? Oh, it's from Multi Solutions Inc, in New Jersey. -- David Dyer-Bennet -- ...decwrl!mrvax!ddb
kurt@fluke.UUCP (Kurt Guntheroth) (05/15/84)
Well... If you get the information pack or talk to MSI, S1 sounds better. Reading the ads gives you the impression that S1 is the operating system that slices and dices, has a thousand and one uses (now how much would you pay). Apparently S1 and MSI is the commercial outgrowth of somebody's doctoral dissertation on portability in operating systems. They have actually only got SPL (their own language), C and Pascal 'now'. Their ad actually says this, but it is hard to find. The single unit price for binary-only S1 is $995 (a bit steep). They have it running on a bunch of strange 68000 workstations and I think an iAPX x86 machine too. S1 is supposed to be available in a variety of versions to implement various schedulers, filesystems, etc. There is (I think) a unix compatibility library. Thats what I remember. -- Kurt Guntheroth John Fluke Mfg. Co., Inc. {uw-beaver,decvax!microsof,ucbvax!lbl-csam,allegra,ssc-vax}!fluke!kurt
jgw1@ihuxs.UUCP (J. Whelan) (08/23/84)
I missed the debate on the S1 operating system. Has anyone used it or knows of someone who has. What machine(s) has it been used on? What is you overall opinion of it? If there is enough interest I will post the results. Please respond to: ihuxs!jgw1
jgw1@ihuxs.UUCP (J. Whelan) (09/03/84)
Thanks to all who responded on the S1 Operating System. Sorry to have rehashed an old subject, but thanks for your patience.