[comp.sys.sgi] Remote printing from Personal Iris

paul@rt.ccs.uky.edu (Paul Linton) (07/14/90)

Has anyone had any success adding remote printers from
a PI?  I attempt to add one and it keeps coming back as
"Invalid login" and doesn't add the printer.  I have seen
the remote system's file and it clearly has my site in
there as "authorized".

Also, I am trying to hook up a local printer and instead
of buying a 25pin serial to 9pin cable does anyone have
the pin outs for such a beast?



fsfacca@AVELON.LERC.NASA.GOV (Tony Facca) (07/16/90)

>Has anyone had any success adding remote printers from
>a PI?  I attempt to add one and it keeps coming back as
>"Invalid login" and doesn't add the printer.  I have seen
>the remote system's file and it clearly has my site in
>there as "authorized".
If you are attempting to add your PI to a remote BSD system, you have to do
things differently than if you are simply trying to run mknetpr(1) from one
Iris to another.  If your print server is a BSD machine, 3.3 should solve your
problem (there are also some PD scripts to send listing to BSD machines).

If you are just having trouble with mknetpr, check the /usr/spool/lp/.rhosts
file on the remote machine.  It should contain two entries for your machine.
One to authorize root login, and one to authorize lp login.  The root login
is used for configuration (you are root when you run mknetpr), while the lp
login is used by the lp daemon to spool print jobs for your machine to the 
machine with the printer.  


Tony Facca   |   fsfacca@avelon.lerc.nasa.gov      |     phone: 216-433-8318
                I've fallen and I can't get up!