[comp.sys.sgi] looking for Jim Hollan

zsd@PIG.DREA.DND.CA (Jim Diamond) (08/14/90)

(netters: insert usual apology about sending mail to newsgroup here)

Jim: thanks for your message about lisp.  I tried to reply to your
mail, but altho I can ping your machine, it refuses to accept
connections for other purposes.  Anyway, thanks for your note.  I've
gotten a few other replies but not from anyone who has been using
Symbolics machines.  I'm glad to hear that Franz has a nice interface
to the graphics library.

Do you have any quantitative data (or qualitative feeling) for the
relative performance between your SGI and the Symbolics?  If so, would
you mind sharing it (and your SGI model type) with me?


			Jim Diamond