[comp.sys.sgi] Solution for disconnected login...

gwb@PHY.DUKE.EDU ("G. William Baxter") (08/16/90)

>Is there any way to recalim control of a login or process from which you've
>been (perhaps unexpectedly) separated?  It is not uncommon for the dialup
>connection that I use to access my Iris to fail.  The connection is to
>someone else's machine, from which I telnet to the Iris.  Usually when the
>connection is severed, I can just log back in and kill the leftovers.  But,
>sometimes it would be nice to be able to get back in control of them and 
>end them in a civilized way.  Any help would be appreciated.
>	Thanks,
>	Robert Sears
>	university of Michigan, Dept. of Physics
>	sears@mich.physics.lsa.umich.edu
>	sears@UMIPHYS.bitnet

We have found a public domain program called "screen" by Oliver Laumann to 
be very useful.  It allows the user to have multiple full screen vt100 
windows and switch between them.  The vt100 emulation is very good.  It 
also allows the user to detach and later resume a screen session.  This 
last feature is very useful for dialup lines.  If the connection is lost, 
the user merely redials and then resumes the previous screen session.  No 
work is lost.  

This is not meant to be a full description of screen's capabilities.  It is
available from comp.sources.unix which are archived at uunet.uu.net and other 
locations.  There was an IRIS port by Jim Barton.  

	Bill Baxter                             1-919-684-8231
	Duke University Dept. of Physics	
	& Center for Nonlinear Studies          gwb@phy.duke.edu
	Durham, N.C.      27706		   gwb@physics.phy.duke.edu