[comp.sys.sgi] screen dumps

davis@blake.acs.washington.edu (Darrell Davis) (06/08/89)

I have a question about using "icut" and "pprint" to make a PostScript
screen dump file. I have been unable to get a simple black on white
hardcopy output, i.e. there is always a grey background.  Where is this
coming from?  When I look at the .ps file there is nothing obvious that
indicates this grey background, although my command of PostScript is 
pretty limited.

I have made sure that the window background is white before cutting the 


Darrell Davis
Chem. Dept.
University of Washington 

sbg@ultima.socs.uts.edu.au (Stephen Boyd Gowing II) (08/27/90)

I am posting this for a friend - we aren't sure if any mail can reach him
so send all replies to me.


	I am currently doing a project on an Iris, in which I need to save 
any section of the screen to an rgb file or similar image file format. I 
have looked at icut but don't have the source code (is it available?). Could 
anyone provide information concerning methods of dumping portions of screen.

	Neil Van Domselaar


   /\     P  r  o  g  r  a  m  m  e  r  s  '    S  o  c  i  e  t  y
  /% \                                                          
 /%%  \   University of Technology, Sydney                     
/%%%___\  progsoc@ultima.socs.uts.edu.au    "My hovercraft is full of eels"

tohanson@gonzo.lerc.nasa.gov (Jeff Hanson) (08/30/90)

Sorry, mail bounced, Post follows.

Neil Van Domselaar writes

>         I am currently doing a project on an Iris, in which I need to save 
> any section of the screen to an rgb file or similar image file format. I 
> have looked at icut but don't have the source code (is it available?). Could 
> anyone provide information concerning methods of dumping portions of screen.

Install the dev.sw.giftssrc, also know as 4Dgifts for the answers you
seek.  (SGI image format described, source for icut, etc.).

EVERYONE should load this software.  In fact, it should be a default inst item.

 \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ /        Jeff Hanson            \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / 
  *   ViSC: Better    *  tohanson@gonzo.lerc.nasa.gov   *   *   *   *   *   *  
 / \ / \ Science / \ / \  NASA Lewis Research Center   / \ / \ Through / \ / \ 
*   *   *   *   *   *   *   Cleveland, Ohio 44135     *   *   *  Pictures *   *
 \ / \ / \ / \  Telephone - (216) 433-2284  Fax - (216) 433-2182   \ / \ / \ / 