[comp.sys.sgi] 8mm Backup strangeness

YATES@C.CHEM.UPENN.EDU ("Yates, John H.") (09/05/90)

I am finding Backup strangeness on 8mm Backup's. The following script should
use Backup for /usr /u0 /u1, ... /u7 , rewind the tape and List_tape them all.
I am glad I did this sanity check because some marbles (filesystems) are
missing. (skip the sleep's, I don't think they are necessary and are only
there as a desperate guess).
What happens is, all of the Backups appear to work, but after rewinding
and doing a List_tape, only the 3rd, 6th, and 9th sets appear.

Some sort of header, trailer, tapemark problems with putting multiple Backup's
on one 8mm tape? Anyone know what gives?

Thanks, John

The 8mmbackup script:
echo "Starting 8mmBackup"
sleep 60
mt -t /dev/rmt/tps0d6nr retension
sleep 60
mt -t /dev/rmt/tps0d6nr rewind
sleep 60
echo "Backup /usr"
Backup -t /dev/rmt/tps0d6nr /usr
sleep 60
echo "Backup /u0"
Backup -t /dev/rmt/tps0d6nr /u0
sleep 60
echo "Backup /u1"
Backup -t /dev/rmt/tps0d6nr /u1
sleep 60
echo "Backup /u2"
Backup -t /dev/rmt/tps0d6nr /u2
sleep 60
echo "Backup /u3"
Backup -t /dev/rmt/tps0d6nr /u3
sleep 60
echo "Backup /u4"
Backup -t /dev/rmt/tps0d6nr /u4
sleep 60
echo "Backup /u5"
Backup -t /dev/rmt/tps0d6nr /u5
sleep 60
echo "Backup /u6"
Backup -t /dev/rmt/tps0d6nr /u6
sleep 60
echo "Backup /u7"
Backup -t /dev/rmt/tps0d6nr /u7
sleep 60
echo "Rewind tape."
mt -t /dev/rmt/tps0d6nr rewind
sleep 600
echo "List 1st Backup set (/usr)"
List_tape -t /dev/rmt/tps0d6nr
sleep 60
echo "List 2nd Backup set (/u0)"
List_tape -t /dev/rmt/tps0d6nr
sleep 60
echo "List 3rd Backup set (/u1)"
List_tape -t /dev/rmt/tps0d6nr
sleep 60
echo "List 4th Backup set (/u2)"
List_tape -t /dev/rmt/tps0d6nr
sleep 60
echo "List 5th Backup set (/u3)"
List_tape -t /dev/rmt/tps0d6nr
sleep 60
echo "List 6th Backup set (/u4)"
List_tape -t /dev/rmt/tps0d6nr
sleep 60
echo "List 7th Backup set (/u5)"
List_tape -t /dev/rmt/tps0d6nr
sleep 60
echo "List 8th Backup set (/u6)"
List_tape -t /dev/rmt/tps0d6nr
sleep 60
echo "List 9th Backup set (/u7)"
List_tape -t /dev/rmt/tps0d6nr
sleep 60
mt -t /dev/rmt/tps0d6nr rewind
sleep 60
sleep 600
echo "Done."

The results of running the script (most verboseness removed):
Starting 8mmBackup
Filesystem                 Type  blocks     use   avail %use  Mounted on
/dev/root                   efs   31584   19127   12457  61%  /
/dev/u7                     efs  245532    5834  239698   2%  /u7
/dev/u6                     efs  245532      60  245472   0%  /u6
/dev/u5                     efs  245532      27  245505   0%  /u5
/dev/u4                     efs  245532     700  244832   0%  /u4
/dev/u3                     efs  245532     352  245180   0%  /u3
/dev/u2                     efs  245532   56677  188855  23%  /u2
/dev/u1                     efs  245532   90632  154900  37%  /u1
/dev/u0                     efs  324576   78477  246099  24%  /u0
/dev/tmp                    efs  378672     930  377742   0%  /tmp
/dev/scr                    efs 1965012  549040 1415972  28%  /scr
/dev/usr                    efs  979272  242345  736927  25%  /usr
/debug                      dbg  631656  104496  527160  17%  /debug

Backup /usr

Backup started.  Please wait...
c   2k of   4k [1] /
c   2k of   6k [1] /usr
c   2k of   8k [1] /usr/lost+found
c   2k of  10k [1] /usr/lib
c   2k of  12k [1] /usr/lib/inst


c   2k of 160386k [1] /usr/local/man
c   2k of 160388k [1] /usr/local/man/man1
c   6k of 160394k [1] /usr/local/man/man1/vmsbackup.1

Backup complete.
Backup /u0

Backup started.  Please wait...
c   2k of   4k [1] /
c   2k of   6k [1] /u0
c   2k of   8k [1] /u0/lost+found
c   2k of  10k [1] /u0/jy
c   4k of  14k [1] /u0/jy/.profile
c   4k of  18k [1] /u0/jy/.cshrc
c   4k of  22k [1] /u0/jy/.login


c   4k of 53832k [1] /u0/ap/temp1.f
c   4k of 53836k [1] /u0/ap/eng1.f
c 362k of 54198k [1] /u0/ap/a.out

Backup complete.
Backup /u1

Backup started.  Please wait...
c   2k of   4k [1] /
c   2k of   6k [1] /u1
c   2k of   8k [1] /u1/lost+found
c   2k of  10k [1] /u1/wd
c   4k of  14k [1] /u1/wd/.profile
c   4k of  18k [1] /u1/wd/.cshrc
c   4k of  22k [1] /u1/wd/.login


c 112k of 53498k [1] /u1/wd/stuff/transnosym.log;2
c 280k of 53778k [1] /u1/wd/stuff/c3h3nh.log

Backup complete.
Backup /u2

Backup started.  Please wait...
c   2k of   4k [1] /
c   2k of   6k [1] /u2
c   2k of   8k [1] /u2/lost+found
c   2k of  10k [1] /u2/voth
c   4k of  14k [1] /u2/voth/.profile
c   4k of  18k [1] /u2/voth/.cshrc

c  10k of 33826k [1] /u2/wm/chain.mole/filout.2
c 458k of 34284k [1] /u2/wm/chain.mole/coord
c 368k of 34652k [1] /u2/wm/chain.mole/lc

Backup complete.
Backup /u3

Backup started.  Please wait...
c   2k of   4k [1] /
c   2k of   6k [1] /u3
c   2k of   8k [1] /u3/lost+found
c   2k of  10k [1] /u3/smith
c   4k of  14k [1] /u3/smith/.profile
c   4k of  18k [1] /u3/smith/.cshrc


c   4k of 320k [1] /u3/gf/.cshrc
c   4k of 324k [1] /u3/gf/.login

Backup complete.
Backup /u4

Backup started.  Please wait...
c   2k of   4k [1] /
c   2k of   6k [1] /u4
c   2k of   8k [1] /u4/lost+found
c   2k of  10k [1] /u4/jo
c   4k of  14k [1] /u4/jo/.profile
c   4k of  18k [1] /u4/jo/.cshrc


c   4k of 560k [1] /u4/ml/.cshrc
c   4k of 564k [1] /u4/ml/.login

Backup complete.
Backup /u5

Backup started.  Please wait...
c   2k of   4k [1] /
c   2k of   6k [1] /u5
c   2k of   8k [1] /u5/lost+found
c   2k of  10k [1] /u5/alex
c   4k of  14k [1] /u5/alex/.profile
c   4k of  18k [1] /u5/alex/.cshrc
c   4k of  22k [1] /u5/alex/.login

Backup complete.
Backup /u6

Backup started.  Please wait...
c   2k of   4k [1] /
c   2k of   6k [1] /u6
c   2k of   8k [1] /u6/lost+found
c   2k of  10k [1] /u6/dhb
c   4k of  14k [1] /u6/dhb/.profile


c   4k of  66k [1] /u6/mt/.cshrc
c   4k of  70k [1] /u6/mt/.login

Backup complete.
Backup /u7

Backup started.  Please wait...
c   2k of   4k [1] /
c   2k of   6k [1] /u7
c   2k of   8k [1] /u7/lost+found
c   2k of  10k [1] /u7/er
c   4k of  14k [1] /u7/er/.profile
c   4k of  18k [1] /u7/er/.cshrc


c   4k of 3400k [1] /u7/jl/.login
c   2k of 3402k [1] /u7/jl/.news_time
c  14k of 3416k [1] /u7/jl/q.q

Backup complete.
Rewind tape.
List 1st Backup set (/usr)                      <---- but it isn't it is
                                                      /u1, the 3rd set
Tape listing started.  Please wait...

Tape Header
label:		Partial Backup
created:	Mon Sep  3 23:06:57 1990
device:		/dev/rmt/tps0d6nr
user:		root
group:		sys
system:		a.chem a.chem 3.3 06011629 IP7
bru:		"SGI Release 1.01"
release:	9.11
variant:	1

drwxr-xr-x  21 root     sys            0 Sep  3 22:37 /
drwxr-xr-x   4 root     sys            0 Jul 27 16:59 /u1
drwx------   2 root     sys            0 Jul 26 17:18 /u1/lost+found
drwxrwxr-x   6 dailey   dailey         0 Aug 26 09:09 /u1/wd
-rw-r--r--   1 dailey   dailey       534 Jul 27 16:59 /u1/wd/.profile
-rw-r--r--   1 dailey   dailey       541 Aug 10 13:43 /u1/wd/.cshrc


-rw-r-----   1 dailey   dailey     97597 Aug 25 22:50 /u1/wd/stuff/transnosym.log;2
-rw-r-----   1 dailey   dailey    248479 Aug 28 15:24 /u1/wd/stuff/c3h3nh.log

Tape listing complete.
List 2nd Backup set (/u0)                           <--- but it isn't it
                                                         is /u4, the 6th
Tape listing started.  Please wait...                    set

Tape Header
label:		Partial Backup
created:	Mon Sep  3 23:30:41 1990
device:		/dev/rmt/tps0d6nr
user:		root
group:		sys
system:		a.chem a.chem 3.3 06011629 IP7
bru:		"SGI Release 1.01"
release:	9.11
variant:	1

drwxr-xr-x  21 root     sys            0 Sep  3 22:37 /
drwxr-xr-x  11 root     sys            0 Aug 28 13:19 /u4
drwx------   2 root     sys            0 Jul 26 17:19 /u4/lost+found
drwxrwxr-x   4 owrutsky hochstra       0 Aug 30 21:14 /u4/jo
-rw-r--r--   1 owrutsky sys          534 Aug 10 13:06 /u4/jo/.profile


-rw-r--r--   1 lester   sys          534 Aug 28 13:20 /u4/ml/.profile
-rw-r--r--   1 lester   sys          478 Aug 28 13:20 /u4/ml/.cshrc
-rw-r--r--   1 lester   sys          476 Aug 28 13:20 /u4/ml/.login

Tape listing complete.
List 3rd Backup set (/u1)                   <---- but it isn't, it is
                                                  /u7, the 9th set
Tape listing started.  Please wait...

Tape Header
label:		Partial Backup
created:	Mon Sep  3 23:34:35 1990
device:		/dev/rmt/tps0d6nr
user:		root
group:		sys
system:		a.chem a.chem 3.3 06011629 IP7
bru:		"SGI Release 1.01"
release:	9.11
variant:	1

drwxr-xr-x  21 root     sys            0 Sep  3 22:37 /
drwxr-xr-x   5 root     sys            0 Aug  9 15:20 /u7
drwx------   2 root     sys            0 Jul 26 17:19 /u7/lost+found
drwxrwxr-x   2 rescorla cooperma       0 Aug 24 09:03 /u7/er
-rw-r--r--   1 rescorla sys          534 Aug  9 15:16 /u7/er/.profile
-rw-r--r--   1 rescorla sys          478 Aug  9 15:16 /u7/er/.cshrc


-rw-r--r--   1 lalonde  sys          476 Aug  9 15:20 /u7/jl/.login
-rw-r--r--   1 lalonde  voet           0 Aug 30 10:38 /u7/jl/.news_time
-rw-r-----   1 lalonde  voet        9800 Aug 30 16:40 /u7/jl/q.q

Tape listing complete.
List 4th Backup set (/u2)

(then it just hangs here because /u7 is last partition backed up to tape)

clint@sgi.com (Clint Greene) (09/06/90)

In article <9009042005.AA28494@remote.dccs.upenn.edu> YATES@C.CHEM.UPENN.EDU ("Yates, John H.") writes:
>I am finding Backup strangeness on 8mm Backup's. The following script should
>use Backup for /usr /u0 /u1, ... /u7 , rewind the tape and List_tape them all.
>I am glad I did this sanity check because some marbles (filesystems) are
>missing. (skip the sleep's, I don't think they are necessary and are only
>there as a desperate guess).
>What happens is, all of the Backups appear to work, but after rewinding
>and doing a List_tape, only the 3rd, 6th, and 9th sets appear.
>Some sort of header, trailer, tapemark problems with putting multiple Backup's
>on one 8mm tape? Anyone know what gives?
>Thanks, John

Script and messages deleted

If you look at the List_tape script in /usr/sbin you'll see that
it is calling bru with the -g option just to verify that the tape 
is truly in bru format. The problem arises from the fact that you
are using the no-rewind device, so after the bru -g, the tape is 
positioned after teh first block and then they do another bru -g
to list the header and then a bru -t get the file contents. Well
the bru -g will cough/choke/die on the second issuance because
bru itself verifies whether or not the tape is bru format. That is
probably why you only see the 3rd, 6th and 9th set of files, while
your script says it is the 1st, 2nd and 3rd.

If you were to just run bru -tvvvv on this tape 9 times using the 
no-rewind (tps0d6nr) device you would find all your data there.

The problem is not an exabyte or any other tape drive problem. It is
a List_tape problem. I filed a bug on it a while back, but I don't
know how they will fix it. It really isn't made to handle multiple
archive tapes. The 3.3 version has the same problems.

Now tar and exabyte under 3.2 did have problems with multiarchive
backups. There was a bug in the driver that would not aloow tar to
read any archives past the first one on the 8mm tape drive. Tar would
appear to write the multiple archives, but would only list the first
archives contents, but when asked to read the 2nd or subsequent 
archives it wold appear to hang when in reality it is reading the tape
and runs to the EOT where it gives a read error, but you have to wait
a few minutes for it to get there. This I believe is fixed in 3.3 and 
possibly in 3.2.3. Dave Olson maybe to answer that with some authority.

YATES@C.CHEM.UPENN.EDU ("Yates, John H.") (09/06/90)

I posted that I had a problem with Backup on our 8mm drive. I
tried our 9 track and had the same problem. SGI has noted my
infoiris message, and will test internally. Meanwhile, I took
the advice of a wise netter (sorry, I don't have your name at
my fingertips) and used bru directly. The following script worked
just fine to my 8mm drive.
I consider the problem resolved, I won't use Backup and List_tape.


echo "Starting bru 8mmBackup"
ps -el
mt -t /dev/rmt/tps0d6nr retension
mt -t /dev/rmt/tps0d6nr rewind
echo "bru Backup /usr"
bru -cvf /dev/rmt/tps0d6nr /usr
echo "bru Backup /u0"
bru -cvf /dev/rmt/tps0d6nr /u0
echo "bru Backup /u1"
bru -cvf /dev/rmt/tps0d6nr /u1
echo "bru Backup /u2"
bru -cvf /dev/rmt/tps0d6nr /u2
echo "bru Backup /u3"
bru -cvf /dev/rmt/tps0d6nr /u3
echo "bru Backup /u4"
bru -cvf /dev/rmt/tps0d6nr /u4
echo "bru Backup /u5"
bru -cvf /dev/rmt/tps0d6nr /u5
echo "bru Backup /u6"
bru -cvf /dev/rmt/tps0d6nr /u6
echo "bru Backup /u7"
bru -cvf /dev/rmt/tps0d6nr /u7
echo "Rewind tape."
mt -t /dev/rmt/tps0d6nr rewind
echo "List 1st bru backup set (/usr)"
bru -tvf /dev/rmt/tps0d6nr
echo "List 2nd bru backup set (/u0)"
bru -tvf /dev/rmt/tps0d6nr
echo "List 3rd bru backup set (/u1)"
bru -tvf /dev/rmt/tps0d6nr
echo "List 4th bru backup set (/u2)"
bru -tvf /dev/rmt/tps0d6nr
echo "List 5th bru backup set (/u3)"
bru -tvf /dev/rmt/tps0d6nr
echo "List 6th bru backup set (/u4)"
bru -tvf /dev/rmt/tps0d6nr
echo "List 7th bru backup set (/u5)"
bru -tvf /dev/rmt/tps0d6nr
echo "List 8th bru backup set (/u6)"
bru -tvf /dev/rmt/tps0d6nr
echo "List 9th bru backup set (/u7)"
bru -tvf /dev/rmt/tps0d6nr
mt -t /dev/rmt/tps0d6nr rewind
ps -el
echo "Done."