[comp.sys.sgi] VT100 emulator/Xterm keymappings

eddc@opus.lerc.nasa.gov (Dave Carek) (09/11/90)

Does anybody know of a good public domain vt100 emulator.  I tried using
the wsh with the -v option but it doesn't seem to refresh the screen
properly when using the edt editor on a VAX.  I also tried using the
Xterm vt102, which is nice, but I couldn't find a Gold Key for the life
of me and I couldn't figure out how to map one in.  I tried reading the
man pages for X and xterm but I just got more confused.  Any info on the
above problems would be greatly appreciated.
I'm currently running the 3.3 OS

Thanks in advance.
| David Carek                   |   phone: 216-433-8396               |
| NASA Lewis Research Center    |                                     |
| Cleveland, Ohio  44135        |   email: eddc@opus.lerc.nasa.gov    |
| Engineer -> An innovative imaginative scientist who must design the |
|       improbable using the impossible on a budget that is invisible |