[comp.sys.sgi] cc

rbriber@POLY1.NIST.GOV (09/22/90)

Mike Chapman writes:
        I have found a peculiarity in the MIPS C compiler that is more of a 
    curiosity than a problem, but I wonder if someone could shed some light on
    it anyway, just for fun.
	    Here is a sample program that exhibits the peculiar behavior:
			#include <stdio.h>
			int a [2];
				int i;
				a[0] = 5;
				a[1] = 6;
				i = 0;
				printf("%d %d\n", a[i++], a[i++]);
    Depending on the order of evaluation of function arguments, I would expect
    this code to generate "6 5" or "5 6".  But instead it says "5 5", which 
    confuses me a bit.  Do all pre/post increment/decrement operators only
    take effect after the current source line, or what?  I did check the value
    of 'i' on the next line, and it was indeed 2, so that part works.  For C
    reference I only have the ancient K&R, which as far as I can tell does not
    formally specify when these operators are supposed to do their thing.  For
    reference purposes, I ran this code on many platforms (6 different CPUs, 
    8 different compilers), and only the MIPS compiler came out with the "5 5"
                           (stuff deleted).
Just a note that while cc gives "5 5", GNU's gcc compiler on our Iris 
gives "5 6".

| Adios Amoebas,      | "I've tried and I've tried and I'm still mystified,  |
|   Robert Briber     |  I can't do it anymore and I'm not satisfied."       |
|   224/B210  NIST    |                                 --Elvis              |
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|   20899  USA        | rbriber@poly1.nist.gov   (Internet)                  |
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