[comp.sys.sgi] bsd mail behavior

karron@MCIRPS2.MED.NYU.EDU (09/22/90)

I miss being able to set the "prompt" variable and have the mail
prompt set the way I want. I usually set the prompt to reflect the
machine I am on(in that window)

Also, Mail does not respect the "mbox" value. I usually sweep my $HOME/mbox
into a mail archive at night. Why not just set the value to append
from inside Mail ? This is the behavior on other bsd machines, and it
would be useful here.

Is there a way to put my mail aliases into another file, instead of
my $HOME/.mailrc ? (Al La Sun)

| karron@nyu.edu                          Dan Karron                          |
| . . . . . . . . . . . . . .             New York University Medical Center  |
| 560 First Avenue           \ \    Pager <1> (212) 397 9330                  |
| New York, New York 10016    \**\        <2> 10896   <3> <your-number-here>  |
| (212) 340 5210               \**\__________________________________________ |