[comp.sys.sgi] IRIX 3.3.1, TELNET and IBM VM

FL17@DLRVMBS.BITNET (10/09/90)



We are using IRIX 3.3.1 on a 4D70GT and a DEC VT330 terminal on port 1.
Connecting via TELNET to an IBM VM machine produces the following error:

	XON/XOFF characters are displayed on the terminal
	as ^S or ^Q if a longer listing of an ASCII file is
	requested by the command type fn ft on the IBM VM.

This is particularly true if the terminal receive XOFF point is set to
64 bytes, it happens less often if this point is set to 512 bytes
and it does not happen if this point is set to 'never' (which is un-
desirable). The terminal display characteristic is set to 'interpret
characters'. We tried modes VT100, VT300-7bit, VT300-8bit and 7 and
8 bit character formats without success.

It is possible to remove the ^S or ^Q from the screen with the delete
key of the terminal which gives the impression that these codes are
generated by TELNET via the keyboard and echoed by the IBM VM without
user intervention. If these were codes received from the IBM VM they
could not be removed by the delete key of the terminal. How can we get
rid of this error ?

This error does not show-up under IRIX 3.2.1. using the same setup.

I would be very grateful for any hint. Thank you.

	Ralf Beyer

Ralf Beyer	| German Aerospace Research Establishment
		| Braunschweig Research Center
		| Institute for Flight Guidance
		| Flughafen
		| D-3300 Braunschweig, Fed. Rep. of Germany
		| Phone: (0531) 395-2530
		| Email: fl17@dlrvmbs.bitnet