[comp.sys.sgi] Z buffering issues

karron@MCIRPS2.MED.NYU.EDU (10/13/90)

Give me a call, but you also will want to read the article
The Hidden Charms of Zbuffering
Which appeared in the Iris Universe Magazine, issue # 12.

My feeling is that sgi could use a floaing point Zbuffer, as the
dynamic range of a 16 bit z short int z buffer is to small to
be of real use in many real time applications.

| karron@nyu.edu                          Dan Karron                          |
| . . . . . . . . . . . . . .             New York University Medical Center  |
| 560 First Avenue           \ \    Pager <1> (212) 397 9330                  |
| New York, New York 10016    \**\        <2> 10896   <3> <your-number-here>  |
| (212) 340 5210               \**\__________________________________________ |
| Please Note :Soon to move to dan@karron.med.nyu.edu  (Mid Oct)|