vsaariokari@abo.fi (11/02/90)
I'd like to get some information about statistical and SPC (Statistical process control)- programs for ULTRIX. Also programs written in C-language are suitable. I have studied SAS-system and RS- system programs, but I'm searching also for smaller programs. Does some have experience in using these programs ? Is there any books including programs written in C-language for technical use? ( One that includes FORTRAN- code exists! ) What kind of graphical programs exist for GKS and GKS-3D ? I mean prog- rams that work in upper level of GKS, so that you don't have to use GKS- orders, but can say for example "draw a line". I have studied SL-GMS. Has anyone experience in that program? What other programs exist for ULTRIX ? What kind of program is PV-WAVE ? I would be grateful if someone could answer some of my questions. Thank's already in advance!