[comp.sys.sgi] subwindows

mpapp@ (Mike Papper) (12/04/90)

I have playing a bit with subwindows, heres what I've found:
They are totaly independent (from each other and their parent)
as far as input/redraw events, configuration (RGB, doublebuffered etc.)

But there are two problems with them:
Creating a subwindow of a subwindow simply creates a subwindow
of the original prent window - thus positioning is always
relative to the topmost 4-sight window (contrary to what
the man page on subwindows, swinopen, says)

Also, winpush and winpop don't effect the subwindows. 
There is no swinpush man page. The order of display is determined from
the order of creation - the most recently created window
is placed overtop any others.

Does anyone know why? is it for performance reasons, or is it just not
implemented yet?

Also, does anyone know if using a set of subwindows in a window
is significantly faster than the equivalent set of (borderless)
I would assume that if each subwindow is doublebuffered, each swapbuffer
would still wait for a vertical retrace.

Mike Papper