[comp.sys.sgi] SGI GUI library info...

sweetmr@sct60a.sunyct.EDU (michael sweet) (12/09/90)

Due to a VERY large interest in the user-interface library I am developing, 
I might as well give everyone some details on its use....

First, the library is officially called the Gadget library (I know, really
original. :)  When you compile a program that uses it, you will just need
to include its header file, and link with '-lgadget'.  Also, you have to use
C (Fortran could be possible also, but I am not a Fortran programmer...)

Ok, once you have opened up a window, you have to initialize the library:

Tough, eh?  Window redrawing is done from a central point, so the next thing 
you have to do is specify what the window's redraw function is:

Normally, you would then add the devices you want queued (with qdevice().)
With the gadget library, you do the following:


Similarly, you use UnQDevice() in place of unqdevice(), and QRead() in place 
of qread().

Buttons (and the other stuff) are held in simple data structures.  To show
a button, you would have code something like this:

BUTTON my_button = {......};



In the main event loop in you program, you would then have a call to the
button handler:


If a button gets clicked on, 'n' would equal the button # clicked.  Otherwise,
-1 is returned (much like dopup(). )


This library should be done, documented, and available before Christmas...

 -Mike Sweet