[comp.sys.sgi] changes to get McLelland & Rumelhart code running on IRIX

dixons%phvax.dnet@SMITHKLINE.COM (01/03/91)

Henrik Klagges writes:
>maybe I can give you some hints, although not on SimScript. First, some good
>programs implementing  neural nets on PC-Dos are the "pdp" (parallel distri-
>buted processing) - programs supplied in the software edition of the books:
>PDP,Vols. 1 & 2, McLelland & Rumelhart, MIT Press. The software is in the
>PDP: A Handbook of models, programs & exercises, also MIT Press. It runs
>without problems on PC-Dos, and I have it compiled and almost (8() running
>on IRIX 3.2.1. I only don`t get the display perfectly right., but that is
>enough to make it not   functionable on IRIX. (anyone out there done this ?).
Here are context diffs to two files to get the PDP code running under
curses on IRIX.  Don't ask me why some of the changes help, I just
played around until it worked... (I'm no curses expert).
The second file in both cases is the fixed one.
Scott Dixon (dixons@smithkline.com)

*** io.c        Sun Sep 27 10:38:37 1987
--- /usr2/people/dixon/pdp/src/io.c     Thu Nov 22 23:09:43 1990
*** 68,82 ****

  io_initscr() {
!     crmode();

  io_endwin() {
      if (start_up) return;
!     endwin();
!     nocrmode();

  io_addch(c) char c; {
--- 68,82 ----

  io_initscr() {
!     cbreak();

  io_endwin() {
      if (start_up) return;
!     nocbreak();
+     endwin();

  io_addch(c) char c; {
*** command.c   Mon Apr 16 14:41:27 1990
--- /usr2/people/dixon/pdp/src/command.c        Thu Nov 22 22:12:27 1990
*** 321,327 ****

      else {
        rp = Line_Buf;
!       while ( (ch = getc(in_stream)) != '\n' && ch != EOF) {
        if (ch == ' || ch == '') {
          if (lp > Line_Buf) {
--- 321,327 ----

      else {
        rp = Line_Buf;
!       while ( (ch = getc(in_stream)) != '\r' && ch != EOF) {
        if (ch == ' || ch == '') {
          if (lp > Line_Buf) {