[comp.sys.sgi] Problem with f77 time

mlzerkle@athena.mit.edu (Michael L Zerkle) (01/15/91)

I believe that I have discovered a bug with the f77 time() intrinsic funtion.
The code fragment I am using and my machines vital statictics are as follows:

      integer systim,tarray(9),time
      call ltime(systim,tarray)

The compile time error is:  bad number of arguments to intrinsic time().
Works fine on other unix boxes.

Machine Stats:  4D-VGX210
                os  3.3.1
                ftn S4-FTN-3.2

Is this a problem with the time() intrinsic funtion in the U77 library, and
if so is there a patch available to fix it.  Does anyone have the C code to 
simulate/implement the f77 binding to the time() funtion?

Thanks in advance!