[comp.sys.sgi] NFS Mystery file SUMMARY

loki@NAZGUL.PHYSICS.MCGILL.CA (Loki Jorgenson Rm421) (01/24/91)

	For those of you who are curious (worried?) about that mystery file
which I reported earlier.  It is NOT a virus or anything to be concerned
about.  Here is the explanation straight from SGI.  It is consistent with
what was happening at the time that I observed this phenomenon.

>> This is no real mystery, just a little Sun-ism in NFS.  If a NFS client
>> has a file open when the file server removes it, it (the client) creates
>> a dummy entry named like you saw as a placeholder for the file.

>> I think what probably happened is that the file was an executable
>> that was running on your workstation, was removed on the server,
>> your NFS client-side created the placeholder entry for it, then
>> when the program terminated, the reference count went to zero
>> and your system removed the placeholder.

>> I've seen this on Suns quite a lot, but at SGI corporate,
>> we stock every workstation with a lot of disk so it doesn't
>> crop up much.

>> Bob Brown
>> ------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Silicon Graphics, Inc.  Advanced Systems Division  415 335 7299

                             __          __
Loki Jorgenson              / /          \ \  node:  loki@Physics.McGill.CA
Grad, Systems Manager      / //////  \\\\\\ \ BITNET: PY29@MCGILLA
Physics, McGill University \ \\\\\\  ////// / fax:   (514) 398-8434
Montreal Quebec CANADA      \_\          /_/  phone: (514) 398-7027