[comp.sys.sgi] Fortran botches bidirectional I/O to /dev/tty

sysmark@physics.utoronto.ca (Mark Bartelt) (01/29/91)

The following program exhibits different (incorrect) behaviour under
3.3.1, compared with 3.2.1:

        program bug
        character inp*72
        open (unit=9,file='/dev/tty',status='old')
        write (9,1000)
  1000  format ('spam')
        read (9,2000) inp
  2000  format (a)
        write (6,2000) inp

The "read" returns immediately, instead of waiting for input.  Under
3.2.1 it worked properly.  Under 3.3.1, removing the "write" causes
the "read" to work OK.

Is this bug/misfeature fixed in 3.3.2?  If it's not, is there an easy
workaround that I've missed (aside, or course, from the obvious one
of using separate fortran units for input and output)?

Mark Bartelt                                            416/978-5619
Canadian Institute for                      sysmark@cita.toronto.edu
Theoretical Astrophysics                    sysmark@cita.utoronto.ca