[comp.sys.sgi] TeX on SGI?

larryt@AE.MSSTATE.EDU (Larry Thorne) (07/17/90)

We've had some requests for the Tex typesetting/formatting package to run
on our SGI machines.  Is anyone currently running Tex?  If so, where can
I get it?  I would rather get a PD version, but would consider a commercial

Thanks in advance!

Larry Thorne

russell@CCU1.AUKUNI.AC.NZ (07/20/90)

I have suscessfully installed TeX from the standard Unix distribution which
is available from june.cs.washington.edu. Watch out for the default for
characters, I can't remember if they are signed or unsigned by default, 
anyway TeX assumes the opposite. You need to make a change in the site.h
file. The place is clearly indicated.

Alternatively there is a packaged system in 4 compressed tar files on
vgr.brl.mil this is compiled and ready. It is a miminal system but does include
a previewer for the Iris.

|  Russell Fulton		'phone +64 9 737-999 x 8955       |
|  Computer Centre		domain	rj_fulton@aukuni.ac.nz	  |
|  University of Auckland	fax     +64 9 303-2467		  |
|  Private Bag			time    gmt -12 (13) (summer time)|
|  Auckland, New Zealand.					  |

aspgpas@cidsv01.cid.aes.doe.CA (Peter Silva) (01/29/91)

Is there a plug-n-play one somewhere?

Peter Silva			OS Support 
psilva@cid.aes.doe.ca		Dorval Computing Centre
(514) 421-4692			Atmospheric Environment Service