[comp.sys.sgi] Ideas on checking carry bit

sabbagh@acf5.NYU.EDU (sabbagh) (02/08/91)

I am trying to hack a program (Bradley's C Forth 83) that requires me
to check (in assembly) the "carry set" bit.  Since I only have the
"complete" set of Iris manuals, there is no mention of a carry bit in
the Assembly language guide; only that the "add" instruction generates
an "overflow exception" if the result cannot be extended as a 32-bit

1.  How does one detect an overflow exception?

2.  Is this (as I guess) equivalent to a "carry bit set" ?

3.  Can I implement the equivalent of checking a carry bit without using

Hadil G. Sabbagh
E-mail:		sabbagh@cs.nyu.edu
Voice:		(212) 998-3125
Snail:		Courant Institute of Math. Sci.
		251 Mercer St.
		New York,NY 10012

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