(Paul Haeberli) (02/07/91)
/* * Hi - * I've been trying to get this Meta-Ball renderer * to work for me with no success. Does anyone out there * know of a public domain Meta-Ball renderer, or does * anyone know how to make this program stop core dumping? * * Meta-ball ray tracing program from japanese PIXEL magazine * Number 2, 1989. The only comments available were in Kanji. * If you can figure out how to make this work, please let me know. * * To compile on SGI machine: * cc blob.c -o blob -lgl_s -lm * * * paul haeberli * 415-962-3665 * * Here is the data file provided in the article: * { { p 78.0 63.0 63.0 0.0 70.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 -90.0 100 200 250 1.5 p 31.5 12.369 12.369 0.0 39.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 -90.0 200 130 100 1.5 p 67.98 77.28 77.28 -1.0 -14.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 -90.0 200 220 60 7.34 p 117.61 28.30 28.30 -74.0 33.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 37.74 20 200 100 1.5 p 123.54 26.83 26.83 77.0 33.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 -29.05 20 100 200 1.5 p 16.02 14.5 24.65 -1.0 -19.0 -49.0 0.0 0.0 -95.19 20 20 200 6.9 } c 0.0 0.0 -150.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 -1.0 0.5 210 120 180 100 300 220 420 } * * */ #include "stdio.h" #include "math.h" #include "string.h" #include "ctype.h" #include "assert.h" #define PI (3.1415265) #define THD (1.0/3.0) #define PMAX (200) #define INFIN (1000000.0) struct tlist { int mel, spl; float t0, t1, t2; struct tlist *next; }; struct vect { float x, y, z; }; struct vect eye, ray; float nx, ny, nz, px, py, pz; float sqrx, sqry, sqrz; float dg = PI/180.0; float rt_x, rt_y, rt_z; FILE *fp; float a[PMAX], b[PMAX], c[PMAX]; float cx[PMAX], cy[PMAX], cz[PMAX]; float tx[PMAX], ty[PMAX], tz[PMAX]; float cr[PMAX], cg[PMAX], cb[PMAX]; float wgt[PMAX]; float cc[PMAX]; float la[PMAX], lb[PMAX], lc[PMAX]; float lx, ly, lz, amb; float daen(), sgn(), sgr(), ei(), wi(); float pix_r, pix_g, pix_b; int jx, iy, pmax; int b_r, b_g, b_b; int y_b, y_e, x_b, x_e; float r00, r01, r02, r10, r11, r12, r20, r21, r22; main(argc,argv) int argc; char **argv; { float sz = 100.0; float sx, sy, op; float lcx, lcy, lcz; float tmp_x, tmp_y, tmp_z; int i, j, k; if(argc<2) { fprintf(stderr,"usage: blob blob.dat\n"); exit(1); } fp = fopen(argv[1],"r"); if(readfile(fp,0) != 0) { inerror(); } for(k=0; k<pmax; k++) { a[k] = sgn(a[k])/a[k]/a[k]; b[k] = sgn(b[k])/b[k]/b[k]; c[k] = sgn(c[k])/c[k]/c[k]; lcx = eye.x-cx[k]; lcy = eye.y-cy[k]; lcz = eye.z-cz[k]; myrot(tx[k],ty[k],tz[k]); tmp_x = (a[k]*r00*r00+b[k]*r10*r10+c[k]*r20*r20); tmp_y = (a[k]*r01*r01+b[k]*r11*r11+c[k]*r21*r21); tmp_z = (a[k]*r02*r02+b[k]*r12*r12+c[k]*r22*r22); tx[k] = 2.0*(a[k]*r01*r02+b[k]*r11*r12+c[k]*r21*r22); ty[k] = 2.0*(a[k]*r00*r02+b[k]*r10*r12+c[k]*r20*r22); tz[k] = 2.0*(a[k]*r00*r01+b[k]*r10*r11+c[k]*r20*r21); a[k] = tmp_x; b[k] = tmp_y; c[k] = tmp_z; cc[k] = lcx*lcx*a[k]+lcy*lcy*b[k]+lcz*lcz*c[k]-1.0; cc[k] = cc[k]+lcy*lcz*tx[k]+lcx*lcz*ty[k]+lcx*lcy*tz[k]; la[k] = lcx*a[k]; lb[k] = lcy*b[k]; lc[k] = lcz*c[k]; } myrot(rt_x,rt_y,rt_z); prefsize(640,400); winopen("blob"); RGBmode(); gconfig(); RGBcolor(0,0,255); clear(); for(i=y_b; i<y_e; i++) { sy = 200-i; printf("line %d\n",i); for(j=x_b; j<x_e; j++) { sx = 320-j; jx = j; iy = i; op = sqrt(sx*sx+sy*sy+sz*sz); tmp_x = sx/op; tmp_y = sy/op; tmp_z = sz/op; ray.x = tmp_x*r00+tmp_y*r01+tmp_z*r02; ray.y = tmp_x*r10+tmp_y*r11+tmp_z*r12; ray.z = tmp_x*r20+tmp_y*r21+tmp_z*r22; if(trace()) dsp(); else back(); } } while(1) sleep(10); } trace() { static int k, kk, flg; static float bright, td, tm, hi, da, db, dc, dd, tt, hx, hy, hz; static struct tlist list[50]; static struct tlist *pt, *np, root; static float ds, cmp, op, tmpa; static float t[] = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -INFIN}; static float cos_a, phong, rfx, rfy, rfz; sqrx = ray.x*ray.x; sqry = ray.y*ray.y; sqrz = ray.z*ray.z; for(k=kk=0; k<pmax; k++) { if( (list[kk].t1 = daen(k,&list[kk].t2)) != INFIN ) { list[kk].t0 = list[kk].t1; list[kk].mel = k; list[kk].spl = 0; kk++; } } if(kk != 0) { da = db = dc = 0.0; flg = 0; for(;;) { if(flg==0) flg = 1; else { ++(pt->spl); pt->t0 = t[pt->spl]; } root.t0 = -100000.0; mklist(&root,list,kk); for(k=0; k<kk; k++) mklist(&list[k],list,kk); pt =; np = pt->next; if(np == NULL && pt->spl>2) return 0; td = ((pt->t2)-(pt->t1))*0.5; tm = pt->t1+td; hx = eye.x+tm*ray.x-cx[pt->mel]; hy = eye.y+tm*ray.y-cy[pt->mel]; hx = eye.z+tm*ray.z-cz[pt->mel]; hi = sqrt(hx*hx*a[pt->mel]+hy*hy*b[pt->mel]+hz*hz*c[pt->mel] +tx[pt->mel]*hy*hz+ty[pt->mel]*hx*hz+tz[pt->mel]*hx*hy); ds = td*(1.0-ei(hi)); t[0] = pt->t1; t[1] = pt->t1 + ds; t[2] = pt->t2 - ds; t[3] = pt->t2; switch(pt->spl) { case 0: tmpa = wi(hi,pt->mel)/(ds*td); break; case 1: tmpa = wi(hi,pt->mel)/(ei(hi)*-ds*td); break; case 2: tmpa = wi(hi,pt->mel)/(ei(hi)*ds*td); break; case 3: tmpa = wi(hi,pt->mel)/(-ds*td); break; } da += tmpa; db += -2.0*tmpa*t[pt->spl]; dc += tmpa*t[pt->spl]*t[pt->spl]; if(da == 0.0) continue; dd = db*db-4.0*da*(dc-1.0); if(dd>0.0) tt = (-db+sqrt(dd))*0.5/da; else continue; if(tt<0) continue; if(t[pt->spl+1]<np->t0) cmp = t[pt->spl+1]; else cmp = np->t0; if(cmp == -INFIN) cmp = np->t0; if(pt->t0<tt && tt<cmp) { px = eye.x+ray.x*tt; py = eye.y+ray.y*tt; pz = eye.z+ray.z*tt; getnorm(; ref(&rfx,&rfy,&rfz); cos_a = rfx*lx+rfy*ly+rfz*lz; if(cos_a<0.0) cos_a = 0.0; phong = cos_a*cos_a*cos_a*cos_a*cos_a*cos_a; bright = nx*lx+ny*ly+nz*lz+phong+amb; if(bright<0.0) bright = 0.0; pix_r = pix_r*bright; pix_g = pix_g*bright; pix_b = pix_b*bright; return 1; } } } else return 0; } float daen(k,l) int k; float *l; { float aa, bb, d; float lcx, lcy, lcz; lcx = eye.x-cx[k]; lcy = eye.y-cy[k]; lcz = eye.z-cz[k]; aa = sqrx*a[k]+sqry*b[k]+sqrz*c[k]; if(aa == 0.0) return INFIN; bb = 2.0*(ray.x*la[k]+ray.y*lb[k]+ray.z*lc[k]); aa = aa+ray.y*ray.z*tx[k]+ray.x*ray.z*ty[k]+ray.x*ray.y*tz[k]; bb = bb+(lcz*ray.y+lcy*ray.z)*tx[k]+(lcx*ray.z+lcz*ray.x)*ty[k] +(lcx*ray.y+lcy*ray.x)*tz[k]; d = bb*bb-4.0*aa*cc[k]; if(d<0.0) return INFIN; *l = (-bb+sqrt(d))*0.5/aa; return (-bb-sqrt(d))*0.5/aa; } dsp() { int rr, gg ,bb; rr = pix_r; gg = pix_g; bb = pix_b; if(rr>255) rr = 255; if(gg>255) gg = 255; if(bb>255) bb = 255; cgpset(jx,iy,rr,gg,bb); } back() { cgpset(jx,iy,b_r,b_g,b_b); } float sgn(v) float v; { if(v != 0.0) return ((v<0.0) ? -1.0 : 1.0); else return 0; } skip(f) FILE *f; { int ch; while(isspace(ch=getc(f)) && ch != EOF) ; return ch; } readfile(f,chr) FILE *f; int chr; { int ch, i, j, n; FILE *f2; pmax = 0; while(1) { switch(ch = skip(f)) { case ';': while((ch=getc(f)) != '\n' && ch != EOF) ; break; case '{': if(readfile(f,chr) != 1) inerror(); break; case '}': return 1; case 'p': fscanf(f,"%f%f%f",&a[pmax],&b[pmax],&c[pmax]); fscanf(f,"%f%f%f",&cx[pmax],&cy[pmax],&cz[pmax]); fscanf(f,"%f%f%f",&tx[pmax],&ty[pmax],&tz[pmax]); fscanf(f,"%d%d%d",&cr[pmax],&cg[pmax],&cb[pmax]); fscanf(f,"%f",&wgt[pmax]); pmax++; break; case 'c': fscanf(f,"%f%f%f",&eye.x,&eye.y,&eye.z); fscanf(f,"%f%f%f",&rt_x,&rt_y,&rt_z); fscanf(f,"%f%f%f",&lx,&ly,&lz); fscanf(f,"%f",&amb); fscanf(f,"%d%d%d",&b_r,&b_g,&b_b); fscanf(f,"%d%d%d%d",&y_b,&y_e,&x_b,&x_e); break; case EOF: return 0; default: inerror(); break; } } } inerror() { fprintf(stderr,"input read error\n"); exit(1); } mklist(p,q,r) struct tlist *p, *q; int r; { int k; float dt; float lst = INFIN; for(k=0; k<r; k++) { if((q+k) != p) { dt = ((q+k)->t0)-(p->t0); if((dt<lst) && (dt>=0.0) && !(dt==0.0 && q+k<p)) { lst = dt; p->next = q+k; } } } if(lst==INFIN) p->next = NULL; } float wi(di,i) float di; int i; { if((0.0<=di) && (di<=THD)) return (wgt[i]*(1.0-3.0*di*di)); else if((di>=THD) && (di<=1.0)) return (1.5*wgt[i]*(1.0-di)*(1.0-di)); else return 0.0; } float ei(r) float r; { if(r<0.22) return (-0.5*r+0.33); return (0.346*r+0.243846); } getnorm(p) struct tlist *p; { float tpx, tpy, tpz; float r, pw, nxs, nys, nzs, op; int k; pix_r = pix_g = pix_b = 0.0; nxs = nys = nzs = 0.0; do { k = p->mel; tpx = px-cx[k]; tpy = py-cy[k]; tpz = pz-cz[k]; r = tpx*tpx*a[k]+tpy*tpy*b[k]+tpz*tpz*c[k] +tx[k]*tpy*tpz+ty[k]*tpx*tpz+tz[k]*tpx*tpy; if(r<0) r = 0; pw = wi(sqrt(r),k); nxs += (a[k]*tpx+0.5*(tz[k]*tpy+ty[k]*tpz))*pw; nys += (b[k]*tpy+0.5*(tz[k]*tpx+tx[k]*tpz))*pw; nzs += (c[k]*tpz+0.5*(ty[k]*tpx+tx[k]*tpy))*pw; pix_r += (float)cr[k]*pw; pix_g += (float)cg[k]*pw; pix_b += (float)cb[k]*pw; } while( (p=p->next) != NULL); nx = nxs; ny = nys; nz = nzs; op = sqrt(nx*nx+ny*ny+nz*nz); if(op == 0.0) op = 1.0; nx = nx/op; ny = ny/op; nz = nz/op; } cgpset(v,w,r,g,b) int v,w,r,g,b; { RGBcolor(r,g,b); pnt2i(v,w); } ref(rx,ry,rz) float *rx, *ry, *rz; { float w; w = -2.0*(ray.x*nx+ray.y*ny+ray.z*nz); *rx = ray.x+nx*w; *ry = ray.y+ny*w; *rz = ray.z+nz*w; } myrot(x,y,z) float x,y,z; { float snx, cnx, sny, cny, snz, cnz; cnx = cos(x*dg); snx = sin(x*dg); cny = cos(y*dg); sny = sin(y*dg); cnz = cos(z*dg); snz = sin(z*dg); r00 = cny*cnz; r01 = snx*sny*cnz-cnx*snz; r02 = cnx*sny*cnz+snx*snz; r10 = cny*snz; r11 = snx*sny*snz+cnx*cnz; r12 = cnx*sny*snz-snx*cnz; r20 = -sny; r21 = snx*cny; r22 = cnx*cny; } (Kouhia Juhana Krister) (02/07/91)
In article <> (Paul Haeberli) writes: > * anyone know how to make this program stop core dumping? > float sx, sy, op; [deleted] > for(i=y_b; i<y_e; i++) { > sy = 200-i; I'm not sure, but I would like to write sy = 200.0-(float)i; instead of what you have. > printf("line %d\n",i); > for(j=x_b; j<x_e; j++) { > sx = 320-j; The same. >trace() >{ I haven't been in C-language courses yet, so, this is a wild guess: Need you declare the type of the trace()? Have you an ANSI-C there? If the compiler assume that trace() is int-type, that's ok. But remember, C-language is for human - Fortran is what it is... I would like to write 'int trace()'. > if(tt<0) tt<0.0 I'm sorry about deleting all other code and not telling where all 'errors' are. Thank you for posting the code! Juhana Kouhia ("Drew R Whitehouse") (02/08/91)
In article <>, (Paul Haeberli) writes: |> /* |> * Hi - |> * I've been trying to get this Meta-Ball renderer |> * to work for me with no success. Does anyone out there |> * know of a public domain Meta-Ball renderer, or does |> * anyone know how to make this program stop core dumping? Here's something to try out, it produces a picture - I'm not sure if this was what they looked like in the article !! /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Drew Whitehouse, E-mail: */ /* Visualization Group, Fax : +61 (0)6 247 3425 */ /* Australian National University Phone : +61 (0)6 249 5985 */ /* Supercomputer Facility. */ /* GPO Box 4, Canberra ACT Australia 2601. */ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* * Hi - * I've been trying to get this Meta-Ball renderer * to work for me with no success. Does anyone out there * know of a public domain Meta-Ball renderer, or does * anyone know how to make this program stop core dumping? * * Meta-ball ray tracing program from japanese PIXEL magazine * Number 2, 1989. The only comments available were in Kanji. * If you can figure out how to make this work, please let me know. * * To compile on SGI machine: * cc blob.c -o blob -lgl_s -lm * * * paul haeberli * 415-962-3665 * * Here is the data file provided in the article: * { { p 78.0 63.0 63.0 0.0 70.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 -90.0 100 200 250 1.5 p 31.5 12.369 12.369 0.0 39.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 -90.0 200 130 100 1.5 p 67.98 77.28 77.28 -1.0 -14.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 -90.0 200 220 60 7.34 p 117.61 28.30 28.30 -74.0 33.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 37.74 20 200 100 1.5 p 123.54 26.83 26.83 77.0 33.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 -29.05 20 100 200 1.5 p 16.02 14.5 24.65 -1.0 -19.0 -49.0 0.0 0.0 -95.19 20 20 200 6.9 } c 0.0 0.0 -150.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 -1.0 0.5 210 120 180 100 300 220 420 } * * */ #include "stdio.h" #include "math.h" #include "string.h" #include "ctype.h" #include "assert.h" #define PI (3.1415265) #define THD (1.0/3.0) #define PMAX (200) #define INFIN (1000000.0) struct tlist { int mel, spl; float t0, t1, t2; struct tlist *next; }; struct vect { float x, y, z; }; struct vect eye, ray; float nx, ny, nz, px, py, pz; float sqrx, sqry, sqrz; float dg = PI/180.0; float rt_x, rt_y, rt_z; FILE *fp; float a[PMAX], b[PMAX], c[PMAX]; float cx[PMAX], cy[PMAX], cz[PMAX]; float tx[PMAX], ty[PMAX], tz[PMAX]; float cr[PMAX], cg[PMAX], cb[PMAX]; float wgt[PMAX]; float cc[PMAX]; float la[PMAX], lb[PMAX], lc[PMAX]; float lx, ly, lz, amb; float daen(), sgn(), sgr(), ei(), wi(); float pix_r, pix_g, pix_b; int jx, iy, pmax; int b_r, b_g, b_b; int y_b, y_e, x_b, x_e; float r00, r01, r02, r10, r11, r12, r20, r21, r22; main(argc,argv) int argc; char **argv; { float sz = 700.0; float sx, sy, op; float lcx, lcy, lcz; float tmp_x, tmp_y, tmp_z; int i, j, k; if(argc<2) { fprintf(stderr,"usage: blob blob.dat\n"); exit(1); } fp = fopen(argv[1],"r"); if(readfile(fp,0) != 0) { inerror(); } for(k=0; k<pmax; k++) { a[k] = sgn(a[k])/a[k]/a[k]; b[k] = sgn(b[k])/b[k]/b[k]; c[k] = sgn(c[k])/c[k]/c[k]; lcx = eye.x-cx[k]; lcy = eye.y-cy[k]; lcz = eye.z-cz[k]; myrot(tx[k],ty[k],tz[k]); tmp_x = (a[k]*r00*r00+b[k]*r10*r10+c[k]*r20*r20); tmp_y = (a[k]*r01*r01+b[k]*r11*r11+c[k]*r21*r21); tmp_z = (a[k]*r02*r02+b[k]*r12*r12+c[k]*r22*r22); tx[k] = 2.0*(a[k]*r01*r02+b[k]*r11*r12+c[k]*r21*r22); ty[k] = 2.0*(a[k]*r00*r02+b[k]*r10*r12+c[k]*r20*r22); tz[k] = 2.0*(a[k]*r00*r01+b[k]*r10*r11+c[k]*r20*r21); a[k] = tmp_x; b[k] = tmp_y; c[k] = tmp_z; cc[k] = lcx*lcx*a[k]+lcy*lcy*b[k]+lcz*lcz*c[k]-1.0; cc[k] = cc[k]+lcy*lcz*tx[k]+lcx*lcz*ty[k]+lcx*lcy*tz[k]; la[k] = lcx*a[k]; lb[k] = lcy*b[k]; lc[k] = lcz*c[k]; } myrot(rt_x,rt_y,rt_z); prefsize(1000,1000); /* foreground(); added for debugging, Drew */ winopen("blob"); RGBmode(); gconfig(); RGBcolor(0,0,255); clear(); for(i=y_b; i<y_e; i++) { sy = 200-i; for(j=x_b; j<x_e; j++) { sx = 320-j; jx = j; iy = i; op = sqrt(sx*sx+sy*sy+sz*sz); tmp_x = sx/op; tmp_y = sy/op; tmp_z = sz/op; ray.x = tmp_x*r00+tmp_y*r01+tmp_z*r02; ray.y = tmp_x*r10+tmp_y*r11+tmp_z*r12; ray.z = tmp_x*r20+tmp_y*r21+tmp_z*r22; if(trace()) dsp(); else back(); } } while(1) sleep(10); } trace() { static int k, kk, flg; static float bright, td, tm, hi, da, db, dc, dd, tt, hx, hy, hz; static struct tlist list[50]; static struct tlist *pt, *np, root; static float ds, cmp, op, tmpa; static float t[] = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -INFIN}; static float cos_a, phong, rfx, rfy, rfz; sqrx = ray.x*ray.x; sqry = ray.y*ray.y; sqrz = ray.z*ray.z; for(k=kk=0; k<pmax; k++) { if( (list[kk].t1 = daen(k,&list[kk].t2)) != INFIN ) { list[kk].t0 = list[kk].t1; list[kk].mel = k; list[kk].spl = 0; kk++; } } if(kk != 0) { da = db = dc = 0.0; flg = 0; for(;;) { if(flg==0) flg = 1; else { ++(pt->spl); pt->t0 = t[pt->spl]; } root.t0 = -100000.0; mklist(&root,list,kk); for(k=0; k<kk; k++) mklist(&list[k],list,kk); pt =; np = pt->next; /* if(np == NULL && pt->spl>2) return 0; ...........buggy !!!!!! */ if(np == NULL || pt->spl>2) /* this maybe ??????? Drew */ return 0; td = ((pt->t2)-(pt->t1))*0.5; tm = pt->t1+td; hx = eye.x+tm*ray.x-cx[pt->mel]; hy = eye.y+tm*ray.y-cy[pt->mel]; hx = eye.z+tm*ray.z-cz[pt->mel]; hi = sqrt(hx*hx*a[pt->mel]+hy*hy*b[pt->mel]+hz*hz*c[pt->mel] +tx[pt->mel]*hy*hz+ty[pt->mel]*hx*hz+tz[pt->mel]*hx*hy); ds = td*(1.0-ei(hi)); t[0] = pt->t1; t[1] = pt->t1 + ds; t[2] = pt->t2 - ds; t[3] = pt->t2; switch(pt->spl) { case 0: tmpa = wi(hi,pt->mel)/(ds*td); break; case 1: tmpa = wi(hi,pt->mel)/(ei(hi)*-ds*td); break; case 2: tmpa = wi(hi,pt->mel)/(ei(hi)*ds*td); break; case 3: tmpa = wi(hi,pt->mel)/(-ds*td); break; } da += tmpa; db += -2.0*tmpa*t[pt->spl]; dc += tmpa*t[pt->spl]*t[pt->spl]; if(da == 0.0) continue; dd = db*db-4.0*da*(dc-1.0); if(dd>0.0) tt = (-db+sqrt(dd))*0.5/da; else continue; if(tt<0) continue; if(t[pt->spl+1]<np->t0) cmp = t[pt->spl+1]; else cmp = np->t0; if(cmp == -INFIN) cmp = np->t0; if(pt->t0<tt && tt<cmp) { px = eye.x+ray.x*tt; py = eye.y+ray.y*tt; pz = eye.z+ray.z*tt; getnorm(; ref(&rfx,&rfy,&rfz); cos_a = rfx*lx+rfy*ly+rfz*lz; if(cos_a<0.0) cos_a = 0.0; phong = cos_a*cos_a*cos_a*cos_a*cos_a*cos_a; bright = nx*lx+ny*ly+nz*lz+phong+amb; if(bright<0.0) bright = 0.0; pix_r = pix_r*bright; pix_g = pix_g*bright; pix_b = pix_b*bright; return 1; } } } else return 0; } float daen(k,l) int k; float *l; { float aa, bb, d; float lcx, lcy, lcz; lcx = eye.x-cx[k]; lcy = eye.y-cy[k]; lcz = eye.z-cz[k]; aa = sqrx*a[k]+sqry*b[k]+sqrz*c[k]; if(aa == 0.0) return INFIN; bb = 2.0*(ray.x*la[k]+ray.y*lb[k]+ray.z*lc[k]); aa = aa+ray.y*ray.z*tx[k]+ray.x*ray.z*ty[k]+ray.x*ray.y*tz[k]; bb = bb+(lcz*ray.y+lcy*ray.z)*tx[k]+(lcx*ray.z+lcz*ray.x)*ty[k] +(lcx*ray.y+lcy*ray.x)*tz[k]; d = bb*bb-4.0*aa*cc[k]; if(d<0.0) return INFIN; *l = (-bb+sqrt(d))*0.5/aa; return (-bb-sqrt(d))*0.5/aa; } dsp() { int rr, gg ,bb; rr = pix_r; gg = pix_g; bb = pix_b; if(rr>255) rr = 255; if(gg>255) gg = 255; if(bb>255) bb = 255; cgpset(jx,iy,rr,gg,bb); } back() { cgpset(jx,iy,b_r,b_g,b_b); } float sgn(v) float v; { if(v != 0.0) return ((v<0.0) ? -1.0 : 1.0); else return 0; } skip(f) FILE *f; { int ch; while(isspace(ch=getc(f)) && ch != EOF) ; return ch; } readfile(f,chr) FILE *f; int chr; { int ch, i, j, n; FILE *f2; pmax = 0; while(1) { switch(ch = skip(f)) { case ';': while((ch=getc(f)) != '\n' && ch != EOF) ; break; case '{': if(readfile(f,chr) != 1) inerror(); break; case '}': return 1; case 'p': fscanf(f,"%f%f%f",&a[pmax],&b[pmax],&c[pmax]); fscanf(f,"%f %f %f\n",&cx[pmax],&cy[pmax],&cz[pmax]); fscanf(f,"%f %f %f\n",&tx[pmax],&ty[pmax],&tz[pmax]); /* had a simple scanf bug in the next line, Drew */ fscanf(f,"%f %f %f\n",&cr[pmax],&cg[pmax],&cb[pmax]); fscanf(f,"%f",&wgt[pmax]); pmax++; break; case 'c': fscanf(f,"%f%f%f",&eye.x,&eye.y,&eye.z); fscanf(f,"%f%f%f",&rt_x,&rt_y,&rt_z); fscanf(f,"%f%f%f",&lx,&ly,&lz); fscanf(f,"%f",&amb); fscanf(f,"%d%d%d",&b_r,&b_g,&b_b); fscanf(f,"%d%d%d%d",&y_b,&y_e,&x_b,&x_e); break; case EOF: return 0; default: inerror(); break; } } } inerror() { fprintf(stderr,"input read error\n"); exit(1); } mklist(p,q,r) struct tlist *p, *q; int r; { int k; float dt; float lst = INFIN; for(k=0; k<r; k++) { if((q+k) != p) { dt = ((q+k)->t0)-(p->t0); if((dt<lst) && (dt>=0.0) && !(dt==0.0 && q+k<p)) { lst = dt; p->next = q+k; } } } if(lst==INFIN) p->next = NULL; } float wi(di,i) float di; int i; { if((0.0<=di) && (di<=THD)) return (wgt[i]*(1.0-3.0*di*di)); else if((di>=THD) && (di<=1.0)) return (1.5*wgt[i]*(1.0-di)*(1.0-di)); else return 0.0; } float ei(r) float r; { if(r<0.22) return (-0.5*r+0.33); return (0.346*r+0.243846); } getnorm(p) struct tlist *p; { float tpx, tpy, tpz; float r, pw, nxs, nys, nzs, op; int k; pix_r = pix_g = pix_b = 0.0; nxs = nys = nzs = 0.0; do { k = p->mel; tpx = px-cx[k]; tpy = py-cy[k]; tpz = pz-cz[k]; r = tpx*tpx*a[k]+tpy*tpy*b[k]+tpz*tpz*c[k] +tx[k]*tpy*tpz+ty[k]*tpx*tpz+tz[k]*tpx*tpy; if(r<0) r = 0; pw = wi(sqrt(r),k); nxs += (a[k]*tpx+0.5*(tz[k]*tpy+ty[k]*tpz))*pw; nys += (b[k]*tpy+0.5*(tz[k]*tpx+tx[k]*tpz))*pw; nzs += (c[k]*tpz+0.5*(ty[k]*tpx+tx[k]*tpy))*pw; pix_r += (float)cr[k]*pw; pix_g += (float)cg[k]*pw; pix_b += (float)cb[k]*pw; } while( (p=p->next) != NULL); nx = nxs; ny = nys; nz = nzs; op = sqrt(nx*nx+ny*ny+nz*nz); if(op == 0.0) op = 1.0; nx = nx/op; ny = ny/op; nz = nz/op; } cgpset(v,w,r,g,b) int v,w,r,g,b; { RGBcolor(r,g,b); pnt2i(v,w); } ref(rx,ry,rz) float *rx, *ry, *rz; { float w; w = -2.0*(ray.x*nx+ray.y*ny+ray.z*nz); *rx = ray.x+nx*w; *ry = ray.y+ny*w; *rz = ray.z+nz*w; } myrot(x,y,z) float x,y,z; { float snx, cnx, sny, cny, snz, cnz; cnx = cos(x*dg); snx = sin(x*dg); cny = cos(y*dg); sny = sin(y*dg); cnz = cos(z*dg); snz = sin(z*dg); r00 = cny*cnz; r01 = snx*sny*cnz-cnx*snz; r02 = cnx*sny*cnz+snx*snz; r10 = cny*snz; r11 = snx*sny*snz+cnx*cnz; r12 = cnx*sny*snz-snx*cnz; r20 = -sny; r21 = snx*cny; r22 = cnx*cny; } (02/13/91) ("Drew R Whitehouse") writes: > |> /* > |> * Hi - > |> * I've been trying to get this Meta-Ball renderer > |> * to work for me with no success. Does anyone out there > |> * know of a public domain Meta-Ball renderer, or does > |> * anyone know how to make this program stop core dumping? > > > > Here's something to try out, it produces a picture - I'm not > sure if this was what they looked like in the article !! Is this for a Silicon Graphics machine? If not, what? Daf. -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Davyd Norris : "Strange people physicists... In my opinion Physics Dept. : those that aren't already dead are in some Monash University, : way very, very sick." - Douglas Adams, Vic, Australia. : "The Long Dark Tea-time Of The Soul" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
naughton@wind.Eng.Sun.COM (Patrick Naughton) (02/16/91) writes: |> |> ("Drew R Whitehouse") writes: |> > |> /* |> > |> * Hi - |> > |> * I've been trying to get this Meta-Ball renderer |> > |> * to work for me with no success. Does anyone out there |> > |> * know of a public domain Meta-Ball renderer, or does |> > |> * anyone know how to make this program stop core dumping? |> > |> > |> > |> > Here's something to try out, it produces a picture - I'm not |> > sure if this was what they looked like in the article !! |> |> Is this for a Silicon Graphics machine? If not, what? |> Daf. |> -- |> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |> Davyd Norris : "Strange people physicists... In my opinion |> Physics Dept. : those that aren't already dead are in some |> Monash University, : way very, very sick." - Douglas Adams, |> Vic, Australia. : "The Long Dark Tea-time Of The Soul" |> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Yes it is for the SGI as is... but link it with this file and it will run on X11. (You'll need a 24 bit screen to make it work well...:-) #include <X11/Xlib.h> Display *dpy = 0; int screen; Colormap cmap; GC gc; Window win; int winw; int winh; void prefsize(w, h) { winw = w; winh = h; } void winopen(name) char *name; { dpy = XOpenDisplay(0); screen = DefaultScreen(dpy); cmap = DefaultColormap(dpy, screen); gc = DefaultGC(dpy, screen); win = XCreateSimpleWindow(dpy, RootWindow(dpy, screen), 0, 0, winw, winh, 1, 0); XSelectInput(dpy, win, ExposureMask); XStoreName(dpy, win, name); XMapWindow(dpy, win); while (1) { XEvent ev; XNextEvent(dpy, &ev); if (ev.type == Expose) break; } } void RGBmode() { } void gconfig() { } void RGBcolor(r, g, b) { XColor color; color.pixel = 0; = r << 8; = g << 8; = b << 8; color.flags = DoRed | DoGreen | DoBlue; XAllocColor(dpy, cmap, &color); XSetForeground(dpy, gc, color.pixel); } void clear() { XFillRectangle(dpy, win, gc, 0, 0, winw, winh); } pnt2i(v, w) int v; int w; { XDrawPoint(dpy, win, gc, v, w); } -- ______________________________________________________________________ Patrick J. Naughton email: Sun Labs vmail: (415) 336 - 1080