It appears that mailq holds large jobs for delivery overnight. I don't see any docs on this in the sendmail man page or in the communications manual. I am at IRIX 3.3.1, I didn't notice this behavior at 3.3 , but just may not have noticed. Is my observation correct? If so, how do I disable it so all jobs get processed right away? Thanks, John yates@c.chem.upenn.edu
Thanks to johnson@euler.jsc.nasa.gov for solving my mail queuing bottleneck. I added the following to my sendmail.cf file and re-froze it, stopped and restarted sendmail, and the queue emptied nicely. # load limit for just queueing message Ox999 # load limit for accepting SMTP connections OX999 We have just recently had high load limits on this machine, almost constantly (9-20). Whatever the default Ox and OX are, they must be in that region (neither were in my non-SGI sendmail.cf, but then again, the SGI one didn't work at all). Only two responses to this one, it was a tough one! (The second was from SGI, wanting more information so they could look into it. Thanks to roberts%nimrod.wpd.sgi.com@SGI.COM) John yates@c.chem.upenn.edu