frank@bradley.UUCP (10/12/84)
Tell your friend to buy a copy of the Rainbow ($3.95 at most bookstores). The Rainbow is more or less the 'official' magazine for the Color computer and features tutorials, graphics, games, hardware and tons of ads for modems, printers and word processing software for the Color Computer. My own recommendation is to get a copy of Telewriter-64..a pretty powerful yet simple to use word processing program. It's available on disk or tape. Your friend should specify which version of Basic and Extended Basic he's working under since the newer ROMs require the newer version of Telewriter. There are other programs for word processing too. Most can generate screen widths of 32 (standard Color Computer width), 51 (default value for Telewriter),64 or 85 characters. Likewise, there are tons of terminal programs available for the Color Computer. And they're no doubt all cheaper than anything you can get for your Apple... Frank Thomas {ihnp4,cepu,noao,uiucdcs}!bradley!frank