[comp.sys.sgi] WorkSpace+NFS+links

rbriber@POLY1.NIST.GOV (03/09/91)

We have a two sgi machines: a 4D80GT and a 4D25 (soon to be 35) both running
3.3.1.  The disks are crossmounted using NFS with each machine sharing some 
directories from the other, to minimize duplication of some files.  We have a 
user who logged on to the 4D80 and worked on his files, his directory being 
NFS mounted from the 4D25. Everything seemed fine, but when he went to the 
4D25 the next day a bunch of his data files showed up as symbolic links in 
WorkSpace.  They weren't really links and on 4D25 his home diretory is not even
NFS mounted, it exists on the 4D25.  The files that showed as links
in WorkSpace looked normal in a wsh window, and looked normal in WorkSpace 
back on the 4D80 (where they were NFS mounted).  If he did a get info in
WorkSpace on the 4D25 the files would magically revert back to their text
icon and everything was fine....until he logs off and logs back in on
the 4D25 whereupon the files would be shown as links again!

I remember someone saying that there was some limitations with WorkSpace and
NFS mounted directories (esp.  home directories).  Has anyone seen this type
of behaviour and/or know what is going on?  I find it kind of strange that 
WorkSpace seems to run fine on the remote machine and it is on the home
machine where funny things happen.

 | Adios Amebas,         |"In the future we will all have names that will |
 | Rob Briber            | make the cathode ray tube resonate."           |
 | NIST 224/B210         |             --Professor Brian O'Blivion        |
 | Gaithersburg, MD 20899|  rbriber@poly1.nist.gov   (Internet)           |
 | (301) 975-6775 (voice)|  rbriber@enh.nist.gov     (Internet)           |
 | (301) 975-2128 (fax)  |  rbriber@nbsenh.bitnet    (Bitnet)             |