[comp.sys.sgi] FAQ

Dan Karron@UCBVAX.BERKELEY.EDU (03/09/91)

A great idea ! 

Too bad I can make a constructive contribution, but I will
use a FAQ directory if it has some kind of index !
>You are welcome to store answers to frequently asked questions
>(FAQ) in the "info-iris" directory on FTP.BRL.MIL.
>I'll be glad to make a special subdirectory for this stuff,
>if somebody else would be willing to take responsibility for
>"maintaining"/installing the actual articles.
>	Best,
>	 -Mike
| karron@nyu.edu (E-mail alias that will always find me)                      |
| Fax: 212 263 7190           *           Dan Karron, Research Associate      |
| . . . . . . . . . . . . . . *           New York University Medical Center  |
| 560 First Avenue           \*\    Pager <1> (212) 397 9330                  |
| New York, New York 10016    \**\        <2> 10896   <3> <your-number-here>  |
| (212) 263 5210               \***\_________________________________________ |
| Main machine: karron.med.nyu.edu ( IRIS 85GT                  |

farestam@ORION.CERFACS.FR (Stefan Farestam) (03/10/91)

>Too bad I can make a constructive contribution, but I will
>use a FAQ directory if it has some kind of index !

   Well, I have a primitive idea of how it could work, which is
   best illustrated by an imaginary listing:



      The idea would be that people who had a contribution to make
   put it their themselves, this would be especially true for the
   install-tips directory. In fact one could imagine a fourth directory
   of the type install-tips-wanted, where people just put an empty file
   with the name of the file indicating the software they wanted. However
   this might be to overdo things as these questions are probably better
   handled by just posting a request on info-iris. Consider also that it
   is just as valuable to know that a piece of software is available
   from somewhere and compiles in one minute, as having the complete
   directions for a 5 hour installment session.

      Concerning the two first directories, I'm assuming that they need
   some kind of responsible person that is (hopefully) very knowledgeable
   about both unix and sgi-issues, in order to avoid mistakes to spread
   around. The raw material of faq/sgi would be the outcome of the
   discussions held on info-iris. As to faq/unix, there probably exists
   a lot of material already available. I made a telnet to archie
   (quiche.cs.mcgill.ca, login archie, a great service !) and searched
   for 'requen'. This brought up:

venera.isi.edu:		images/frequently_needed_info.doc

ucsd.edu:		netinfo/frequently-asked-questions-about-internet.txt

nic.cerf.net:		cerfnet/cerfnet_info/frequently-asked-questions

rascal.ics.utexas.edu:	misc/unet/Frequently-asked_Q+A

expo.lcs.mit.edu:	contrib/FrequentlyAskedQuestions -> FAQ

andy.bgsu.edu:		pub/India/frequent.info

e.ms.uky.edu:		pub/unix/help/Frequently.asked.questions.Z

f.ms.uky.edu:		pub/unix/help/Frequently.asked.questions.Z

dftsrv.gsfc.nasa.gov:	pub/X11/Frequently-Asked-Questions

monu6.cc.monash.edu.au:	pub/Win3.0/misc/frequently.ask

cica.cica.indiana.edu:	pub/pc/win3/misc/frequently.ask

mcsun.eu.net:		windows/X/contrib/FrequentlyAskedQuestions

van-bc.wimsey.bc.ca:	misc/unix.frequent

pprg.unm.edu:		pub/info_on_Usenet/Frequently_Asked_Questions

terminator.cc.umich.edu	unix/frequently-asked-questions

   I didn't have the time to browse through all these files, for sure some
   of them will contain redundant information, but if edited and collected
   in some usable form (maybe as described above), they would be very useful !


 .             Stefan Farestam    <farestam@cerfacs.fr>              .
.   __ __  __ _  _ _                                                  .
.  /  |_ )|_ /_\/ (          European Centre for Research and         .
 . \_ |__\| /   \__)    Advanced Training in Scientific Computation  .

farestam@ORION.CERFACS.FR (Stefan Farestam) (03/12/91)

>Sounds good.
>Perhaps a "public service" group of people like you (or I) could co-ordinate
>responsabilities and editor duties.
>Who whould like to offer their time. 
>If enough people co-operate, then say perhaps, an hour a week is
>all that is needed for each 'officer' to tend his subdirectory !

   Well, I'm willing to volunteer to a certain extent, but I have no
   wish to be a coordinator ! Anyone else interested maybe ?


 .             Stefan Farestam    <farestam@cerfacs.fr>              .
.   __ __  __ _  _ _                                                  .
.  /  |_ )|_ /_\/ (          European Centre for Research and         .
 . \_ |__\| /   \__)    Advanced Training in Scientific Computation  .